Chapter 10: Time will tell

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WOAH! chapter 10!! it is up lovely people :) its short but i am in the process of chater 11! WOOHOO so should be up in 24hrs or less :)


thanks heaps for your support, enjoy xx


We made our way into the nandos restaurant and sat ourselves in the corner, next to the window viewing a park. As harry ordered us our meals I sat there looking around, with Charlie in my hands. I watched as Harry smiles at the waiter, oh that signature smile and that dimple. He turns my way flashing me with it and my knees go weak. I smile back as I turn my attention to a couple of girls in the restaurant that have noticed Harry, who were hesitant to go up to him, eventually they went up to him while waiting for the food and started asking for photos and autographs. The owner of the franchise came out and she ended up getting a photo and autograph for her daughter and our meals ended up free.

As me and Harry were laughing away and eating up our lunch, a swarm of screaming girls showed up against the window and gave me and Charlie a little freight. Harry smiled and waved, we were almost done, when harry realized we weren’t with security guards and the outside was getting pretty packed.

He started to panic for me and Charlies sake.

“im sure its going to be fine” I said reassuring him

“we have to get out” he just replied helping me up and making our way to the back of the kitchen. We still had to make it to the car upfront.

I mean whats the worse that can happen, they are fans, they respect the boys and their privacy.

As we exited from the back that’s when I realize he wasn’t worried about the fan, he was worried about the paparazzi’s. they didn’t respect anything, especially privacy, they always wanted to be in other peoples buisness.

It was the first time I have ever seen so much cameras in my life, when I come to think about it, I have never ever been in a situation where media surrounded me like crazy, its cause we were always with security. Harry held onto me tight and I held onto to Charlie tight.

There was soo much going on, camera’s clicking, screaming girls, flashing lights, annoying questions, Charlies cry and Harry’s worry.

“Harry harry, whos this?”

“Harry, isn’t that liams girlfriend?”

“is this your son harry?”

“Has one direction splitted up?”

“Did you knock up your bestmates girlfriend?”

I could see the questions were turning Harry’s worry into anger as he held onto me tighter, the fact that the paparazzi’s questions were making Harry look bad, was actually hurting me as well, it wasn’t his fault. We were almost to the car but the questions didn’t stop and they became more negative. Charlie kept crying and the cameras were still clicking.

“Harry, how could you do this to liam?”

“what do you have to say for yourself?”

“will the band be kicking you out, because of such act?”

“Have you considered about what liam would think?”

I had enough, Harry should not be the one getting the blame.

“I am with Harry Styles not liam Payne” I shouted over the screaming girls

I looked up a Harry as he looked down at me, confusion in his eyes as I stop walking, making us all stop and leaned up to him, kissing him briefly on the lips.

“Congratulations Harry”

“Whats her name?”

“whats your baby’s name?”

“will you be taking the next step?”

“What happened betweened you and Liam?”

We made it to the car just in time before they start with the questions about me and Liam, Harry helped me into the backseat, as I settle Charlie into his car seat, I looked out seeing Harry saying a few words before entering the front seat.

Everyone cleared the path as harry drives off. A few fans ran after the car but they soon gave up.

“well that was adventfull” I say smiling down at Charlie who was slowly drifting to sleep.

“did you mean it Annie?” he asked,

I looked up, getting a glimpse of his green eyes through the rearview mirror.

I smiled

“it’ll take time”

Even though we were chased by fans and the madia, it was an over all fun day and its all thanks to Harry, its also thanks to him, that i can see the truth in people, the meaning and purpose of their life as a good thing. Because in those green eyes i can see that even though i cant admit it yet, he can. He can admit that he loves me, that his purpose in life was to not only sing and let his beautiful voice be heard through girls headphones and radio but to look after me and Charlie. the only problem was time.

A moment in time can change a whole lifetime.

Styling my love for Payne (Book 2 of Im in love with Payne)Where stories live. Discover now