Chapter 17: Family reunion gone wrong?

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So sorry for the late update ever!!!!!!!! but here it is!! i wasnt too sure what to do in this chapter! so feel free to comment anything! this isnt my best chapter! so please let me know your thoughts :)

thanks for the support on this book! there is probably around 3-4 chapters left and thats it!


thanks again! hope you enjoy it!



I stood in the mirror, admiring the beautiful white gown.

“this is it” I said smiling.

Maddy came down from America just for the wedding and plus she was my maid of honor and yes I have forgiven Jaz since liam told me nothing happened and she will be a bridesmaid along with Gemma.

They all squealed.

“it looks beautiful on you Annie”

I smiled as I got down from the stand to take off the dress.

The wedding was in 2 weeks, I couldn’t contain my excitement, I still had a lot to do, luckily Maddy’s mum is a wedding planner, she designed all the invites and sent them all out, organized the reception, church, basically everything. She was a legend.

“Ok so ladies, we will be here again tomorrow to pick your dresses” I yelled, smiling at them all.

 We hugged goodbye and departed ways.

“Oh Gemma! Please tell Anne, thank you for looking after Charlie! I will pick him up tomorrow after we pick your dress!” I yelled over the street.

“Sure thing Annie” she yelled back, waving.

I looked at my phone it was almost 6pm.

I started to walk faster to my car, why must I be late to everything and get crap parking I cursed myself under my breath as it started to rain lightly. Me and Harry were going out for dinner with Louis and Eleanor tonight and as usual im running late.

Ever since the proposal I have been focused on my wedding, ive always loved weddings and the fact that im getting married has gotten me over excited!!

The rain started to pick up as I start sprinting to my car, the sun was down and it was pretty dark. I stopped running to grab the keys out of my bag, my hair and clothes were drenched and im sure my make up is all smudged down my face.

I felt my keys, ready to take them out and open the car but I was pulled back as my hair was grabbed.

I screamed, dropping my keys and bag, he acted quickly covering my mouth with his cold wet glove.

“Wouldn’t want to do that Mrs Styles” his harsh voice whispered in my ear.

He held an ice cold knife to my throat.

I felt my warm tears through the cold rain.

He dragged me away from my car and I was thrown into the back of an unknown car, he tied up my hands and legs while grabbing my phone in my pocket. He got in the front and drove.

“Now listen Mrs Styles” He started,

“I’ve longed for this moment, the perfect time I can take you away. Take you away from your perfect life and destroy it.”

“you may not know me, but I know you very well, your summer vacation with the boys, how you always looked at liam with so much love, how you played with Johnny’s heart and how you are still acting like you’re in love with Harry”.

My head shot up looking at the back of his head as I shuffled a bit.

He laughed.

“I sense your curiosity Annie, how the hell does this guy know all this? Who the hell is he?”

he turns around and thats when I realized who it was.

“ohh my sweet girl, you remember your old man”

(ok so at the start of this book I said that her parents weren’t supportive of her, which is her mum and her step dad! If you read the first chapter of the first book I stated that annies parents are divorced! So this is her actual father! Sorry for any confusion!)

He was a crappy father, lazy, unloving, a drunk and most of all a gambler, he use to hit my mum, steal her money and gambled it away. He was obsessed with wasting money on ridiculous games to win more money. If he lost he would blame me and my mum. They actually never really “officially divorced” cause my mum called the cops on him and he was jailed, granting my mum total custody of me and to be divorced with him but he never signed any papers.

“hows your mummy?”

“Better now, without you in her life” I spat.

He growled, stopping the car and turning fully to look at me. I can see his scar on his eye I left. Image a 7 year old girl trying to help her mum from abuse from her dad, I grabbed his beer bottle and threw it at him. I was 7 then, I was never afraid of him. But its different now, he never use to hurt me cause I was only little but something in his eyes made me scared.

“on your summer vacation, I just got out of jail. I was having a beer at a bar when I saw the newspaper, it had the one direction boys on the front cover and there you were, your sweet innocent face next to liam by the beach. From then I followed you, I knew where you were and what you were doing. Only problem was you had someone always with you. It took me a year of stealing and betting to save up money to get here, you shouldn’t be rude to me”

“go to hell!” I yelled.

SLAP his hard hand whacked across my face, leaving a stinging sensation on my cheek. Tears were rolling down

“Didn’t your mother teach any manners young lady! to find out you were getting married with one of the boys, sparked this idea in my head” he continued on

“how easy would it be to get soo much money of a star? Ill answer that for you. Very easy!” he laughed.

"Cause i have you!" he laughed louder

He started the engine again

I couldn’t believe my own father would take me, his own daughter in ransom for money. But then again its my dad. He was admitted to hospital for some bar fight and it caused him to go a bit insane.

After a few minute we stopped, it was dark outside. I managed to get the knot of the rope around my legs. I was ready to run out of the door! I was getting scared, The only thing I could see was an old looking house in the middle of nowhere! Were we even in London anymore?

He got out and opened my door.

“HELP HELP!” I yelled. As I bolted.

“Silly girl!” he growled as I heard fast feet running after me.

I ran faster as I could feel him creeping up behind me.

I screamed in pain as he yanks my hair and I was met with the ground hard.

I was feeling dizzy, my head hit the rough road hard! my eye sight was getting blury, i could see him staring down at me, i blinked once, then twice and then my eyes shut. flashes of Charlie, his smiling face popped in my head, our family popped in my head, Charlie, me and harry having dinner, watching movies, playing in the playground and then I pictured them without me.

 i could the warm tear rolling down my cold face. I’d rather be gone then put my family in danger.

Styling my love for Payne (Book 2 of Im in love with Payne)Where stories live. Discover now