Chapter 9: Smile :)

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CHAPTER 9!! omg i cant believe im already up to chapter 9! i have enjoyed writing this story soo much and its all because of my fans who have supported this story since book 1! you are all amazing! thank you :)


hope you enjoy and thank you!! xx

p.s there is a refernce to that youtube animation called the Adventurous adventures of one direction! (i love that youtube vid!! its soo awesome! :P i have watched it like 50times!)

also! listen to SMALL BUMP BY ED SHEERAN! LOVE THAT SONG :) (also referenced in this chapter)


The next day of the incident, Liam came bashing on Harry’s door demanding to be let in. I just told him to go to Hell but the idiot kept doing it and that’s when Harry had enough, he lead me and Charlie into his room and all I heard was a bang and “Stay the F away from Annie, you cheating bastard” and slam. And that was the end of that Liam never attempted to come back, i bet he is just waiting for me to come out of the apartment. Yeah, that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

Him and Jaz left countless messages on my phone and tried to call me a million times. I threw my phone away. She came by a few times, trying to explain what was going on but I would turn up some music, i cant bare to listening to her. Couldn’t trust people anymore and it was all because of her and Liam.

The days went by, as me and Charlie settled into Harry and Lou’s apartment. It has been just me, Harry and Charlie for the past couple of days as Lou went back to doncaster to visit his family but before he left, Him and Harry bought Charlie a new cot.

Charlie has started to gain weight, his green eyes were more distinct and his brown hair was growing. He loves Harry, he loves him being around, the way Charlie eyes light up when Harry is talking, singing or just looking at him, I knew he was going to become a daddy’s boy.

I smile as I walk into the lounge room as the whole house is filled with Charlie’s ohh so cute laughter. Harry was playing peek a boo with him, I watched both of their faces filled with amusement, I giggled out loud wondering who was having more fun.

Harry looked my way, as Charlie was still laughing away. He smiles at me before turning his attention back to Charlie. It was almost 12 so I decided to make some Lunch, only realizing I didn’t know how to cook. I’d give it a go anyway, I took some pots and pans out and some ingredients from the fridge. I had no idea what to make so I just grabbed everything.

“you alright there” he asks, his voice had a hint of laughter.

“Yeah” I replied, scratching my head as I looked into the pantry.

He walks over slightly laughing.

“Annie, let me do it, what do you want to eat?” he asks

I blushed, feeling embarrassed.

“I don’t know, anything”

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