Chapter 13: Hit with memories, pain and regret...

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Sooo here's chapter 13, read it maybe??? haha that song has been in my head for the past week!!!! but i love it :)

hows the story going for everyone?? sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter but yeah hope this chapter helps!! :P


thank you for the support my beautiful fans xx

much love xx enjoy :)


I was numb I couldn’t feel anything except the coldness that ran throughout my whole body, my vision was blurry as I attempt to open my eyes, random faces were speaking to me, their faces blurred because of the flashing colours behind them. I could hear soo much noises, sirens, people taking, people yelling, but it all mixed together to make a mushy sound. it disappeared as I closed my eyes again, blacking out.

I flattered my eyes open, the blue sky starring down on me, the rays of sun kissing my skin, the soft grass tickling my bare legs and arms and my silk white dress lightly pressing on the rest of my body. I rise from where I was laying my feet touching the soft grass, my long brunette hair falling past my shoulders, I was alone and in the middle of nowhere. I looked around, the bright green land stretching for miles. There was a tree, it looked very familiar; I start to walk towards it, when a laughter of a boy came behind it. I was nearly there when he popped out.

“Okay Annie you found me, I couldn’t help but laugh” he said giggling

“come on lets go” he then said. Putting out his hand

And that’s when a little girl came towards him, taking his hand. They both ran into the distant, her long brunette hair bouncing. She turned around and smiled at me, her blue eyes matching mine. and thats when i realised It was me and Liam.

I closed my eyes again, opening it to my old bedroom. whats going on, i thought? I roamed the neat place, everything was the way it was ever since I left for summer vacation, I sat on my bed and reached for the photo of me and liam on my side table when a stinging pressure hit my head, I shut my eyes tight. whats happening to me? i murmured to myself as i lay down on my bed.

Flashbacks of my past flashing in my head. Memories of moving to wolverhampton, meeting liam, starting school with liam, sharing my first kiss with liam, at the x factor auditions, meeting the one direction boys, summer vacation, going out with Johnny, falling for Harry, being Liams girlfriend, my parents disappointment, giving birth to Charlie, Liam leaving, Harry staying. Then just faces flashed in my memory; liam, Charlie and Harry, a repeated in my head, over and over.

A familiar babies cry erupted as I opened my eyes, frantically looked around for the sight of my baby, I wasn’t in my room anymore, I was in the middle of the nowhere again, except the sky was grey, the grass were dead, no trees, no sight of anything living, it was just empty. I couldn’t see anything or anyone so I ran, I just ran, looking for another soul, I kept running as the sun slowly disappeared from the sky.

I reached the tip of a cliff, the water crushing against the large rocks below me, as the last rays of sun were soon gone, I looked to my left, then to my right. Blackness surrounding me, the cry was also gone as I just stood there, looking at the wide sea.


the gentle, worried voice loudly whispered in my ear as I jump in surprise. Tripping off the edge of the cliff, the Air was rushing through me as I kept falling, I reached up hoping to grab something, anything but nothing. I just closed my eyes and waited for my faith.

Brightness of the words the bed is cold without you! But can you get me a twix chocolate bar :) I miss you already! Hurry up beautiful, I love you was repeatingly flashing in my head, and thats when i remembered what happened, reading those bright words Harry texted, while i was on the way to the shop, i was replying to the text message, almost done crossing the road, when a bright light to my side was coming my way, i squinted my eyes to the distance, not realising what it was, cause all i had was Harry in my head, to reply to his text message, the way his text message made me smile, the way HE made me feel. 

And thats when it hit me, the cold, hard car hit me, i screamed as the pain hit my whole body. i let go of my phone as i went flying, tears were streaming down my face, i had soo much thing i still wanted to do in life but more importantly i wanted to hold Charlie once more, i wanted to feel Harry's touch and the way he can take my pain away, i also wanted to say sorry to Liam, i just want to push everything aside and forgive him, he has been my bestfriend ever since we were children, we have been through so much and to leave the earth without mending our problems i will forever be sad about. i wanted to tell them all that i love them. Because if i die, thats the only thing i would regret, saying those important words to the people closest to my heart.

i remember seeing the gravel road inches away from my face and with that I shot my eyes open, brightness of white walls surrounded me, my throbbing head and the stinging of my whole body, made me paralyzed. I couldn’t move, yet I can feel pain all over.

Am I in heaven I thought?

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