Chapter 11: Thank you

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CHAPTER 11! :) yay! woah never have i uploaded on the same day in the same hour!! :) so proud of myself :P haha just kidding! i love writing this story xx


THANK YOU, enjoy lovely people xx


we finally reached back to the complex.

“I got him” harry says as I start to unbuckle Charlie.

“thanks” I reply.

Harry starts to walk towards his apartment as I shut my door and lock the car also making my way towards the apartment.


I heard my name being called out in a distant. Could be Harry, he had already made his way into his apartment. I don’t get why the car park for the boys car had to be 10meters away from all the actual apartments, I guess its closer to the front gate.

“Annie!” the yell was more distinct and his voice was more clearer.

Before I knew it I was bolting for the front door as I heard him start running after me as well.

“Annie wait” he yells before grabbing my arm.

“get off me! I don’t want to talk to you Liam”

“Please Annie”

“Please what!” I say looking him in the eye.

I look over his shoulder, seeing Harry at the door making his way towards us but I just shake my head and mouth “im alright”

“Can we talk?”

“fine” I reply as he lets go of my arm.

“listen, what you saw, me and Jaz” he started

“its not what you think it is”

“how do I know that’s true?” I asked defensively

“because I wouldn’t do such a thing, I promise” he replies, looking into my eyes

“yeah, you also promised you would take care of me and the baby, but that never happened did it?”

“no but..” he replies looking down

“no buts Liam, I was right, now stop wasting my time” I retorted as I start making my way to Harry.

“Annie, please. There was nothing going on” he starts but stops realizing im not falling for shit like that.

“I still…” he starts

“No don’t you dare liam” I say walking up to him.

“Don’t you dare say those words, you put me through enough . I cant stand all this drama anymore, you want me or you don’t! if you really mean those words, you would of stand by me no matter what, cause that’s what a boyfriend does? Doesn’t he?”

the tears started.

“You don’t have any right to say those words to me anymore! Because I know you don’t mean them like the way you use to”

“Annie please let me explain”

“I was surprised, I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t know what to do”

“I don’t want your explanation, I don’t want anything from you”

and then boom, his lips were on mine. This was too much for me, I couldn’t do it anymore. I didn’t want to play on and off again, I didn’t want him to own my heart anymore, its time to move on.

I push him off but he insisted, I fought back trying harder to push him off.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist as I was pulled away from liam and was guarded by Harry.

‘Keep your hands and lips off my girlfriend, Liam” harry yelled.

Liam’s face drops as he switches looks between me and Harry

“But Annie” liam finally says

I was going to answer him but Harry bet me to it

“you lost your chance buddy, never let an amazing and beautiful girl out of your hands because someone will find her, who will actually appreciate her and will never let her go.”

“I will never let her go” harry finally says before we start making our way back to the apartment.

Before harry locks the door, I got a glimpse of Liam who was just standing there, no emotions, he just had a blank expression. Now he knows how I felt the moment he left me at the hospital with no one there by my side.

Harry made his way towards my room as little Charlie had awaken. I followed him after a few mintues of processing what just had happened.

As I walked into the room, Harry’s back was facing me as he was singing down in the cot.

His beautiful rang around the room gradually getting louder as I make my way closer, i wrapped my arms around his waist. He turns around as I lean my head onto his chest. His heart was beating calm as he wraps his arms around me.

“thank you, for coming into my life Annie” he says, his chest causing a vibration against me ear.

I look up at him, his green eyes already staring down at me.

“thank you too” I finally say as he leans in, kissing my nose.

“your welcome” he says cheekily

I burst into laughter

“don’t flatter yourself that much” i say as I let him go, jumping onto my bed.

“oh you love me Annie fisher” he says smiling


“excuse me?” Harry says as he jumps onto my bed next to me.

“ohh you heard me”

“oh is that so” he says as he looks at me with one eyebrow up

he jumps on top of me and begins to tickle me.

“HARRY STOP!” I says as he kept tickling

“HARRY..EDWARD..STYLES…STOP..IT.RIGHT..NOW!!” I manage to say in between laughs.

He finally stops and starts laughing, getting off me.

“we’ve been through so much” he finally says after he caught his breath.

“yeah, but im glad it all happened.” I say, turning onto my side so I can face him, he did the same.

“why is that?” he asks curiously

“because I wouldn’t have end up here” I say smiling, Causing him to smile as well.

He grabs my hand, entwining it with his.

“you really are something Annie Fisher”

"I'm not something without you Harry styles".

i havent forgotten about Liam, to be honest i still very much love him, but im learning and im getting to the point where my heart will finally let go of him, because my mind has already fallen for Harry, he has been such a supportive friend, patiently waiting for me, taking care of Charlie and making me happy. I am so thankful, i just need my heart to fall, i didnt want to hurt Harry, because he also deserved someone who would appriciate his beauty and his amazingness, just him overall.

Styling my love for Payne (Book 2 of Im in love with Payne)Where stories live. Discover now