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Volume four

"I miss being a girlfriend." Jala frowned.

"You're my girlfriend babe." I looked at her.

"Bitch, I'm tired of eating ya pussy!" She yelled making a few people look at us while I started rolling. 

"You're so embarrassing."

"Because they all in our face, they been staring for almost ten minutes like damn."

"They really have."

"But back to what I was saying, I miss being a girlfriend, I miss sex, I miss being laid up. Bitch I miss everything."

"Take your cheating ass ain't shit boyfriend back."

"That boy only good for one thing." She rolled her eyes. 

"Tell Dylan or Esme to put you on someone, you know they know the best looking niggas."

"Dylan fuck around and let me mess with some nigga who already got a bitch."

"She most def will." I shook my head.

"I just want a tall dark skin with white teeth who has his own money and won't cheat and lie to me, is that too much?" 

"Sis, you know you can't expect too much from these niggas."

"Oop, is that shade?" She tilted her head.

"Nope, Shep and I are okay."

"Oh bring it on coming towards our way." Jala said as we watched the cheerleading team walk towards us.

"Bitch I came prepared." I grabbed my mase and taser out my bag. "I been waiting."

"Oh y'all done hiding out from us?" One asked.

"Yeah, we won the game of hide and seek." Jala said making me laugh. 

"Should've got a trophy punk bitches."

"Burrr it's cold in here must be something in the atmosphere!" I yelled clapping making Jala throw her head back laugh.

"They got our ball, we want it back." Jala did the dance Miley Cyrus did making me do it with her.

"The jokes never stop."

"Never bitch." I glared at them. "All jokes aside, get the fuck out our face. We not fighting y'all mad asses and if y'all touch us y'all gon be going to the hospital once I throw water on y'all and electrocute y'all." 

"Punk bitches always gotta use something, could never fight."

"Y'all jumped us though sis." Jala looked at her blankly.

"Jala stop talking to these idiots." I told her looking at the court seeing Shep come out with that cheerleader by his side.

"You never know what ya nigga doing when you not with him." The girl smirked making me look at her. "Right Jala?" 

They walked away from us and I stood there watching them, she touched his arm smiling in his face while he pulled out his phone handing it to her. She gave it back after a minute or so then they hugged making me raise a eyebrow.


"I'll let you know." I said already knowing what she was going to ask. 

"Hey baby." He smiled hugging me. "Wassup Jala?"

"Hmph." Jala said making him furrow his eyebrows. "Call me later best friend, let me know wassup."

"Okay." I hugged her walking out the school.

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