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When I woke up Maddy was already gone. She had left a note on my forehead saying:

Good luck with your interview :) and thanks for the pizza

Chuckling lightly I placed the sticky note on the bedside table, and slipped out of bed to take a shower.

After taking the shower I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail, wet strands falling onto my face. Taking a quick look at the clock above our beds, I found that it was 6:45, scrambling I rushed to my closet and grabbed the clothes I had picked out along with black heels. I grabbed my purse from the closet as well, putting in my phone and other stuff just in case. Deciding to let my hair air dry, I grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around my neck, and ran out the door as fast as I could in heels.

Digging in my purse I fished out the car keys to my car I hastily opened my car door, closed it behind me, and put the key to the ignition.

Collins Enterprises was only but around 8 or 9 minutes away from my apartment, and I thank god there was barely any traffic this morning.

Parking my car into an allotted space, I walked as fast as I could in heels towards the building.

Exactly 6:54 a.m.

Walking up to the receptionist desk, I found a short, petite, lady smiling at me. Of course I smiled kindly back.

"Do you know what floor I'm supposed to go for my interview scheduled for 7:00 a.m.?"

"Name, miss?"

"Tiara Diamond, ma'am"

"Your floor is 35, there should be a room labeled interviews, run along now don't want you to be late."

"Yes ma'am, thank you" I said smiling gratefully at her and running in the direction of an elevator.

"Hold the elevator! Please!" I said as soon as I saw the elevator almost close on me.

I saw the person reach a hand out to push the hold button.

"Thank you" I said stepping inside.

I stifled a small gasp as I took in the appearance of the man standing next to me.

He was wearing a blue suit and a red tie. Blue is my favorite color, and I have to say, blue looks really good on him.

Sneaking in another glance I saw his structured jawline, and his hair swept back almost messily, but cute, and his eyes looked so entrancing, and lips so inviting, I continued to trail my eyes upward and they were greeted by a light bluish green as if reflecting the colors of the earth.

Those same eyes seemed to be staring at me.

"Done staring, sweetheart?" he huskily asked.

I averted my gaze, and felt my body heat up as I took a subtle step away from him.

Soon we reached floor 35 and he strode ahead, leaving me struck by how his suit clung to his muscular body.

Stepping out of my daze, I rushed to seat in the chair in front of the interview room.

Soon after a lady approached me and asked, "Are you here for the interview?"

"Yes ma'am" I replied.

"You can go ahead and step inside, boss has just arrived."

Nodding my head I twisted the doorknob to the room and stepped in.

Oh my god.

The room was beautiful, there was a huge window where you can see the the city and its people below.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

Turning my head to the source of the voice I found the speaker to be sitting in a chair that was facing the open view.

"Yeah, it is" I replied after some hesitation. I heard his voice somewhere before...

Turning around in the chair, I realized he was the guy I met in the elevator.

I saw his face crinkle in surprise for a moment before he gestured to the open chair.

"Please, sit." he said.

Slowly lowering myself into the seat, I placed my purse in my lap and gave him my full attention.

"So, Tiara Diamond, age 23 looking for a job at my company, so she can be my personal assistant"

"Correct me if I'm wrong." he stated.

"Go on." 

"Finished college with 2 degrees, had a previous job as a personal assistant. Now why should I hire you?

"I'm a very and a fast learner and although I'm new to the world of entrepreneurship in general, I'm not new to being a personal assistant. I have top-notch administrative skills and I believe I'd be an asset for the office. My skill set seems to be a perfect match for what you're looking for. In addition, I enjoy working with people, and would welcome the opportunity to be a part of your team. "

After finishing my speech I looked into his eyes, firmly staring back at him, as he was to me.

"You're hired, tomorrow sharp 7:00 a.m. you should be at the office, you will go to the 54th floor, that is where you will work. A person should assist you with the room you are going to work in. Any questions?" he asked.

He had already packed the materials he had, clutching it with his left hand, making his way around the table to stand in front of me.

"Any questions?" he repeated.

"N-No." I said still shocked.

"Then I expect to see you tomorrow."

He walked out while I stood there still dumbfounded.

Grabbing my purse I rushed after him.

"Wait, I-I don't know your name."

"It's Hunter, Hunter Collins" with a hint of a smile on his lips he turned away walking back towards the elevator.

The door closed on him as he stood there staring at me. Turning my head away I grabbed my phone out of my purse and left a quick voicemail for Maddy telling her to come home as soon as possible, I had great news.


"I came home as soon as I can, what happened" my best friend said running to me.

"I GOT THE JOB!" I screamed happily wrapping my arms around her.

We both screamed together going in circles.

"Congrats, I knew you would get the job."

"I knew, you knew I would get the job."

It took her a moment to process that before responding, "I knew you that you knew that I knew you would get the job."

We both laughed at our witty jokes.

"So to celebrate, we should go to a party, don't you think?" Maddy asked.

I groaned, I hated going to parties because I don't drink, and the fact that I don't even like parties.

"C'mon, you get to dress up, and dance, and have fun with your best friend." Maddy whined.

"Ok, ok, fine, I'll go" 

"Good, I'm going back to work, I'll see you at 5?"


"See you later!" Maddy waved already heading out the door.

"See you."  I said, a huge smile still on my face.




Don't be afraid to hit that orange star button!

See you soon.


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