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"What the fuck?"

Immediately my head snapped up to see Mr. Collins eyes closed firmly shut and his hands clasped behind his head.

I used the opportunity to hurriedly open my suitcase, grab a pair of clothes and run into the bathroom. I pressed my hand to my chest, my heart beating seemingly wanting to burst out of my chest.

After I changed, I found Mr. Collins lying on his bed this time, and his eyes snapped open, meeting mine. After a few awkward seconds staring at each other, he cleared his throat.

"We need to talk."


I swallowed nervously, "Talk? About what?"

He sighed looked at me blankly and then he climbed off the bed, stalking towards me.

I caught whiff of a masculine odor coming from his body, although enticing, I pretended to wrinkle my nose in disgust. 

"Ew! Go take a shower first!" 

I watched him carefully, awaiting for his reaction and this guy smirked. 

"You can't escape me that easily Ms.Diamond. We will talk after." He said firmly before turning on his heel and into the bathroom.

Once I heard the door slam shut I let out a loud sigh. I quickly rummaged some more in my suitcase and pulled out my cellphone and my wallet. Then I zipped it up and quickly dashed out of the room, leaving Mr. Collins but taking my sanity and hopefully my dignity with me.

Once I locked the door behind me, I broke into an immediate sprint. I dashed to the elevator and then decided against it and instead took the stairs. I took two at a time dashing down until I finally reached the bottom, and ran out of the hotel.

"Have a nice—" The receptionist greeted but I was soon out of the door and speeding across the parking lot.

I finally stopped to catch my breath and pulled out my cellphone to call probably the one and only person who could help me right now. 


He picked up on the second ring and immediately I told him to meet me in front of the McDonalds near the hotel and to hurry. 

"Without delay, ma'am. I'll be there in five minutes" He said and the call dropped.

With that I jogged over to the sidewalk and began a light sprint to McDonalds, receiving a few stares along the way. 

I didn't care, I was running for my life, well not literally, but you know what I mean. As soon as I reached McDonalds, a black Maybach pulled up.

The window rolled down and I saw Jeff smiling at me.

"Jeff at your service"

With a relieved sigh I hurried and opened the door and got in. Immediately after, Jeff pulled out, speeding out onto the streets of Venice, Italy.


"Where are you heading Ms. Diamond" Jeff asked me after some silence.

I sighed and looked out the window and said, "Anywhere...anywhere but here."

"Yes ma'am" Jeff said, after a mocking glare he said, "Er, I mean Tiara"

I lightly smiled and returned my thoughts elsewhere. I was suddenly feeling guilty of all the things I have done in my time with Mr.Collins.

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