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Jackson's POV:

Gemma got the hospital to let me go last night by signing her life away saying she was my mother and she would watch over me like I was a kid. Its been 24 hours since Melody walked out of my hospital room. I'm worried about her, normally by now I would have a nasty text or phone call from her telling me about how much of a piece of shit I am. I tried calling her and her phone rang to voicemail. I tried texting her and I still didn't get a response. 

I slipped my white sneakers on and grabbed the keys to my moms car. I backed out of the driveway and proceeded to drive around town looking for any hint of her. I found myself pulling up outside of the shot up house she still goes back too. I parked the car and went inside looking for her and there was no sign anywhere. I even went upstairs and she wasn't in any of the bedrooms. I was running out of Ideas on where she could be. I went to leave but something stopped me as I grabbed the handle and realized it was loose. I looked closer and could see where someone tried to pick the lock. 

My first thought was that someone took her, but looking around there was no sign of struggle. They must have broke in and found she wasn't here so they left. I left and got back in Gemma's car to drive around. I went to the hospital and couldn't see anything on the way there that was hers. I started to lose my mind, I can't lose her. 

Before I knew it the sun was rising, and I had been driving around Charming all night. I pulled in the driveway to my mothers and parked the car. I sighed as I saw her sitting on the concrete steps to go inside. As I got out of the car she stood up and approached me slowly. She didn't look very happy but she also looked slightly scared at the moment she was hard to read. 

"Jax I got something to tell ya but you gotta promise me you won't go do something crazy," she said looking me in the eyes with her brow line raised as she placed her hand on my arm. 

"Okay, what's going on?" I asked intrigued. 

"I got a call from the Charming PD about two hours ago," she paused and my heart dropped.

"No, don't tell me." Tears were coming to my eyes  

"They said they got a call at about 3am from a girl sounding hysterical, she was begging for help saying a tall man wearing a mask took her. They think its Melody, I told them she went missing." She hung her head sighed. She squeezed my hand and let go to walk inside. 

"Have they been to her house yet?" She stopped and looked at me. 

"I'm not sure, why?" I knew I didn't have to tell her because she already had an idea but I did anyway. 

"I went there looking for her and the door handle was fucked up where someone tried to break in." Gemma nodded then went to the kitchen to make a phone call, probably to tell the PD that I went looking for her at her house. As I eaves dropped I heard that was exactly what she was doing. 

I just wanted to find her, I didn't want to wait.

A/N: I ask that my followers who read this book check out this one, 


My friend has started recently writting and uploading her story to wattpad and she needs more readers! its an original, not a fanfic, if you love sci-fi type things this is the book for you!

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