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Long time no update guys

I like making y'all wait lol.

Don't forget to leave a comment and vote not just "update soon" either


The bitterness that ran through me after his sweet gesture left a foul taste in my mouth. You don't get to leave for a year after breaking my heart and walk back in pretending that you still care. Because If he cares he wouldn't  have left in the first place.

But despite all of the bullshit it was time to go about business. We have a massive trade happening outside of town today with the Irish and things need to go smoothly. The club needs the money and I need a pass time.

We all got ready and I rode on Opie's bike to our trade location. We made sure to get there before the Irish did so their product could be ready.  The business has come farther than Jax could've ever imagined, but I guess when you let a woman run things shit gets done.

"Mel where's the ammo?" Tig asked and I pointed to the crate in the far corner. He opened it and sighed with relief. I just chuckled and shook my head.

Now was the moment, you could hear the tires on the gravel. I paused as it sounded a bit unusual and I drew my gun ready to fire. I slowly creeped my way to the door and yanked it open gun pointed at the trespasser. I looked up to see Jackson standing in front of me and I rolled my eyes lowering the gun.

"Jesus Christ what are you doing here?" I asked .

"Taking note on how you run the business," he shrugged and pushed past me.

"Good then keep your mouth shut I do the talking." I smiled after my snide remark. He just put his hands in the air and shrugged.

I opened the garage like door on the warehouse so the Irish could back their truck in. Just as I was opening it they were turning their truck around and backing up. Juice directed them and let them know when to stop.

Jackson grew tense as the Irishman climbed out of his truck and started to help the boys load the guns. Tig brought over the case of ammo and it was lifted into the truck. After everything was loaded the money was handed over and we shook hands.

"Pleasure doing business sir," I gave the man a cheeky smile and he thanked me.

After he headed out I handed the money directly over to clay after shutting the garage like door again. Clay just shook his head and smiled at me.

"We haven't had trades that smooth and problem free in years." Clay stated.

"Wouldn't it be smarter to get the money first?" Jackson asked.

"No because they know we're loaded, they tried that once and got shot down." I answered his question.

"Melody, there's 50k here, I thought the Irish was paying 35k?" Clay asked.

"Upped the price of ammo for profit." I smiled and shrugged.

Nothing else was said until we got back to the clubhouse and Chibbs added up the numbers. His eyes got a little wide and he just looked in awe at the books.

" $200,000 in profit this month alone," Chibbs stated to everyone.

They all just looked at me and started cheering and next thing I know Chibbs scoped me up and spun me around. Jackson just shifted and his whole aura seemed uneasy.

"Is there a problem?" I asked furrowing my brow.

"Yeah, you're going to get us all caught." He huffed.

"No she's not, when these guns are gone, and there's only one more shipment in the warehouse we're done. Jax she got us the biggest profit and dug us out of debt so we could stop the trade." Juice defended me and Jax gritted his teeth.

"I don't know why you pretend to care so much anyway. You're the one who left. People who leave don't give a damn." I was starting to get angry with him again.

"Just because I left doesn't mean I don't care. This is the only life I know and I don't need you fucking it up." He shouted in my face and I just laughed. I was at the point that I was so angry I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh alright, but it's okay for you to fuck up mine?" I asked him, but I don't think he thought I was serious. He tried to walk away and I smacked him upside the head.


"I never said it was okay! But two wrongs don't make a right." He spat his words with hatred.

"Guess you should think of that the next time you walk away and break someone else's heart. You didn't just walk away from me you walked away from your boys Jackson." I poked him in the chest and watched his eyes light up with anger once again.

"Don't bring my fucking kids into this." He gritted his teeth and got in my face. We stood there in front of everyone toe to toe.

"You mean the boys I have soul custody of because their parents left them? You wanna come back and judge me but I'm just trying to pull money in to keep those little boys feed and clothed. Fuck you take me to court." I knew my words hurt him by the shock that was written all over his face.

The only people who knew I had soul custody of Abel and Thomas was Clay, Gemma, Tara and Wendy. But I guess the cat is out of the bag now.


Whoop there it is.

Trust and believe the tension isn't going to fade anytime soon.

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