Girl Meets Semi-Formal

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I was hanging out with Amelia by our lockers when Riley and Maya walked by us. 

"Morning." Amelia and I greet them.

"Morning." they greet back.

"It's this weekend," Riley says as Maya opens her locker. "Lucas hasn't asked me to the semi-formal. We're Riley and Lucas, aren't we, Maya?"

"I don't know anymore," Maya tells her. "Just tell me what to say."

"It's all over the front of my notebook," Riley says shown us her notebook. "Riley hearts Lucas 4-ever."

"What's on the back of your notebook?" Maya asks her.

Riley turns her notebook. "Riley and Lucas, we're just friends."

"Sweetie, what are you doing to yourself?" Maya asks her.

"Driven herself crazy," Amelia says. "Wait she was already like that."

I elbow her, before turning my attention to Riley. "Riley have you ever thought about just asking him yourself." 

"Easy for you to say five guys have already asked you to the dance," she responds.

I rolled my eyes. "And I turned them all down and asked Maximo to go with me."

"What about you Amelia?" Maya asks. "I saw you turned down a couple guys yourself."

"The person I wanted to ask me is in Texas right now which means," a boy comes up to her, Amelia smiles at him, "No," she said before he could even get a word out, the guy left dejected. "But on like Riley I'm not having a mental breakdown."

"It's this weekend, and Lucas hasn't asked me to the semi-formal," Riley tells us again.

"Told ya. You got a problem." Maya tells her.

"You did?" Riley asks her. "Have I brought this up before?"

"You have," I tell her.

Amelia gives her a look. "Many times."

"Yes, Riley, you've had problems before, but you haven't had a Lucas problem until now," Maya says before smiling at us and slamming her locker. From the side of my eyes, I could see Charlie Gardener walk over and open his locker.

"Aah!" we heard Dad scream from his classroom.

"Why does he keep doing that?" Riley asks her.

"Lockers, blackboard. Chalk, chalk dust. Your daddy." Maya explains.

"How long you gonna keep doing it?" I ask her.

"Till he comes out," Maya responds as Dad comes out covered in chalk dust. Dad looks over at Maya and slowly starts to make his way towards her. "Okay, I'm done!" Maya yells before running as Dad gave chase. Riley just smiles before following them.

Amelia and I look back to see that Charlie was still pretending to search his locker. "Hey Charlie," I call out.

He closes his locker and walks over to us. "Whats up Rose, Amelia." 

"Not much," Amelia says buffing her nails. "We were just wondering why you've been keeping an eye on Riley."

"No reason," he replies. "But would you know if she has a date to the semi-formal yet?"

Amelia and I share a look before turning to him. "No, she doesn't," I say slowly, he smiles. "But I'm warning you she has her eyes on Lucas, she might not say yes."

"Well you never know until I ask her," he says. "Right?"

Amelia and I slowly nod. "Right?" I had a bad feeling about this.

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