Girl Meets Mr.Squirrels

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Rose's Outfit:

Rose's Outfit:

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Matthews Apartment

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Matthews Apartment

Mom, Dad, Auggie and I were eavesdropping on Riley and Maya's argument.

"I apologized!" Riley yells.

"I don't care!" Maya yells back.

"I apologized like 50 times," Riley reminds her.

"You don't do that to me," Maya tells her.

"How many times are you gonna make me say I'm sorry?" Riley asks her.

"Are you actually sorry?" Maya asks her.

"No!" Riley yells.

Mom lifts her head from the door. "Oh, this one's bad."

"It's Riley and Maya," Dad tells her casual.

Auggie copies his demeanor. "They love each other." Mom and I turned back to the door when we heard footsteps.

"Fine, you don't want to sit by me? Fabulous." We heard Maya say.

"I will not stink up the integrity of our bay window with this ridiculous argument," Riley tells her.

"You come here and stink it up right now." Was Maya's childish reply.

Mom raises her head again. "No, this one really bad."

"It'll go away," Dad tells Auggie.

Auggie waves Mom off, "They're gonna marry each other."

I sigh. "True, but this is going to take a lot more then them being Riley and Maya."

Mom looks over at me, "What do you mean Rosie?"

"Maya as all rights to feel the way she does, even though she had it coming. At the same time, Riley doesn't understand why Maya is mad because Maya protects her from things like this happening to her. "


Rose's Outfit:

Rose's Outfit:

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