Girl Meets Creativity

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It was Monday afternoon and I was in art class with the others. I was sitting between Riley and Amelia, while Riley sat between me and Maya.

"I'm better than you now. I am Riley, the artist, and you are Maya, the artist's best friend." Riley tells Maya before turning to me. "And You are Rose, the artist's twin sister."

I leaned over to see what she drew and chuckled. "Sure you are."

Ms. Kossal walks over to inspect our paintings. She starts with Amelia. "Looking good Amelia. I'm actually surprised, you told me you had no talent in drawing."

"I don't," Amelia confirms. "If it's simple enough I can fake it, and a door is basically a fancy rectangle or two."

Ms. Kossal chuckles. "Well you did a very good job at faking this." she walks over to Maya. "Thank you for working on light and shadow, Maya."

Maya smiles at Ms. Kossal, "Yeah, I look around outside now. I watch the light move during the day. Thanks for teaching me that," Ms.Kossal starts to tear up. "Ms. Kossal. Hey. Are you okay?"

"I get emotional when I'm around talent." Ms. Kossal responds before looking at Riley's painting. "And now I'm fine."

"Come on!" Riley complains.

"What did I tell you about only using purple?" Ms. Kossal asks her.

"Are we gonna do this again?" Riley asks in return.

"Why is everything purple?" Ms. Kossal asks her.

Riley grins. "Because you hide the purple from me and I find it!" Riley answers as she waves her purple hands at Ms. Kossal.

"Are you finger painting?" Ms. Kossal asks looking at her hands.

"I believe you favor Maya over me," Riley tells her.

"Oh, yeah?" Ms.Kossal asks her.  "Well, let's explore that. Let's see if I have unfairly judged you. Today's assignment..."

Riley nods. "Uh-huh."

"...Was the doorways of New York." Ms. Kossal finishes.

Riley continues to nod. "Yep. Yep."

"You were asked to specifically focus on..." Ms. Kossal trails off.

"Unique doorknobs." Riley finishes for her. "Uh-huh. Yeah."

"And paint it from memory." Ms. Kossal adds.

"I did," Riley says, causing me to pause and look at her weirdly.

"You painted a cat sissy," I tell her, Ms.Kossal nods in agreement.

"It's a door," Riley argues.

"It's a cat," Ms.Kossal argues back.

"The whole thing's a door," Riley says as she pretends to open the painting like it's a door. "Anybody home? Okay, I'll come back later." she pretends to close the painting. "Don't let the cat out. Rose isn't painting the subject either."

Ms. Kossal turns to me. "She isn't but how can I be mad when she draws like that."

Amelia leans over to take a look at my picture. "I love the subject."

I smile at her. "You would," I told her. It was a painting of Amelia, I don't know why but I like drawing people more than I like drawing objects and buildings.

"The painting is beautiful..." Ms. Kossal says.

Amelia smirks. "Thank you."

"....but it's not the subject matter." Ms. Kossal finishes ignoring Amelia.

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