Girl Meets Forgiveness Project

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Rose's Outfit:

Rose's Outfit:

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I just came home from a dance competition in Florida, and I was pooped.

Saying goodbye to Amelia, I open the door to the apartment and walk in. "I'm home!"

"Welcome home Rose." Mom greets from the dining table where she was working on her laptop. "How'd it go?"

I walk over to her and kiss her on the cheeks. "Pretty good, Amelia and I won overall in our duet and the group one overall too, so I'll say it was a very successful weekend." I look around the apartment. "Where is everybody?"

"They took Atlas out for a walk in the park," Mom tells me. "They should be back soon."

I nod. "Well, I'm gonna go put my stuff away and take a nap, I'm exhausted." Mom nods at me, and I make my way into my room. After changing into some comfortable wear, I was putting away my earrings when I noticed something was missing.

I frown and walk back into the living area, "Did you see my charm bracelet?" I ask Mom.

Mom blinks up at me. "The one Maximo gave me?" I nod my head. "No. Did you lose it?"

I nod. "Yeah I didn't take it to Florida with me because I didn't want to lose it, but when I was putting away my earrings, I saw it wasn't in my jewelry box where I left it."

Mom stands up. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," I tell her.

"Maybe you left it at Amelia's," Mom says. I give her a look, "I know it's not likely, but you should look everywhere before you panic."

I sigh and make my way to the door, when Dad, Auggie, and Riley come in with Atlas. Dad was holding a pizza box.

"We're back, and we came bearing gifts," Dad says before he notices me. "Rose your back, our was your competition?"

I wasn't listening to him my focus was on Riley and what was on her wrist, because on her wrist was my bracelet. The bracelet that I specifically told her she couldn't borrow. I was pissed.

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