Girl Meets Corey, Topanga, and Rose

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Around midnight on Monday morning, I was sitting in the dining area finishing up some homework while Mom was working on a case and Dad was grading essays when Riley walked in pretending to be sleepwalking. Riley takes a plate of spaghetti from the fridge and sat down across from me before eating it.

"Yeah... I'm not buying the sleepwalking bit for one second." Mom tells her.

"Would you let me have cold spaghetti at midnight if I was awake?" Riley asks.

"Nope," Dad responds.

Riley continues to pretend to sleepwalk and eat the spaghetti. "What are you guys doing up anyway? It's midnight."

"They're trying to throw out those people who own that wonderful old bookstore over on Jane Street," Mom tells her. "They want to put in another fast-food Super Cluck."

"But they're the world's most powerful bucket of food people!" Riley exclaims.

I made a face. "Yuck," I and fast food don't go well together.

"They don't scare me." Mom replies.

Riley looks up at her in awe. "Who are you?"

"I am no friend of the Super Cluck!" Mom tells her. "They're trying to take over the whole neighborhood. But I will be there everywhere they want to go."

"So, you stay up late and protect our community?" Riley asks her.

Mom smiles at her, "Trying."

"Yeah, well, you know what I do at night? I sleep." Riley says.

"Well, that's very important, Honey." Mom reassures her.

"Well, a kid like me needs 15 hours," Riley says casing me to snort. She turns to me. "And you Rose, you should be in bed too."

"Well, Rose has Pre-AP English, science and math classes along with 8th-grade algebra 1, computer science and French homework to finish," I told her.

"You had all week and weekend to do it," Riley tells me.

My eyes twitched as I looked up at her. "Riley what did you do this week?"

"School, homework, sleep, eat, and hanging out with Maya." Riley lists.

I smile sweetly at her. "Here's what I did this week. School, dance classes, babysitting, helping at Topanga's, doctor appointment, vet visit, sleep,  and dance competition. So yes Riley I didn't finish all my homework this week, I'm doing it now." I got up feeling light-headed. I held on to the chair as I stabilized my self.

"You okay Rose?" Dad asks me worriedly.

I smile at him. "I'm fine, do we have any more popcorn left?"

"No," Mom answers for him. "But I just bought some baby carrots today.

"Thank you," I told her. I grabbed a napkin from the counter and walked over to the fridge and grabbed five baby carrots before seating back down.

"Dad, Mom's trying to save our whole city and Rose is trying to graduate from middle school. How are you gonna beat that?"

"I'm trying to get through Maya's paper," Dad responds.

"He beat you," Riley tells Mom and me.

Dad picks up Maya's paper. "America's Foreign Relations at the Dawn of the Cold War, 250 words by Maya Hart. What's up, Matthews? It's me, Maya. I owe you 218 words. Good luck with that." he reads.

"So, you guys are staying up and protecting our city and our minds... while what I do is sleep," Riley says to Mom and Dad. I guess homework wasn't had important of a reason to stay up.

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