Girl Meets the Start of Change

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A/N: The first chapter that is sole mine! There is nothing from the show in this chapter! So excited! This chapter will also only be in Rose's point of view (Which means Rose's outfit will be the only thing shown this chapter). Hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to comment, review, and vote.


Rose's Outfit:

Rose's Outfit:

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"So why are you here?"

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"So why are you here?"

"Because my best friend told me that I should try a session."

"You don't want to be here do you?"

"No offense but I don't really think I need a therapist."

"Well, we don't know that yet do we?"

I shrug. "I guess not."

"So let's start with something simple. As anything been bothering you lately?"

"Bothering me?"

"As something caused you annoyance, angry, pain? Anything."

"Can it be a person?"

"Yes, it can?"

"My sister and her best friend."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I let out a sigh. "Fine. So my twin sister is always so focused on her friends that it affects her judgment on things," I explained to her what happened last week. "And don't get me started on Maya."

"What about Maya bothers you so much?"

"Well, it didn't use to bother me as much when we were younger but know I just can't stand how lazy she is. Whenever a question is asked she purposely gives the wrong answer."

"Are you sure that she just doesn't know the answer?"

"I'm sure that sometimes she doesn't, but instead of thinking about it she just blurts that silliest thing out. You ask her who was the Former slave who helped overthrow the French in Haiti and ruled the island? She'll say blue. And she does that whether she knows the answer her not."

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