Girl Meets Texas II

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"Riley, what are doing?" Maya asks her as we all changed for a night out in Texas.

"I'm not doing anything," Riley says. "I'm about to have a fun night with my friends, sister, and brother."

Maya looks at me for help. "Rose?"

I pat down my blue floral maxi dress before putting on a pair of white ankle boots.

"Rose!" Maya yells to get my attention.

"I heard you the first time," I told her.

She crosses her arms. "Than why didn't you answer me."

I look over at her. "Cause it's Riley. And we all know, Riley does what Riley wants."

"Are you guys ready?" Amelia asks as she walks in. "The guys are waiting for us."

She was wearing an indigo sleeveless denim dress and a pair of blue leather round toe booties.

We nodded at her and walked out of the room we were all sharing before heading to the porch.

"Whoa. Gentlemen, look how lucky you are." Pappy Joe says as we walk out to the porch. "You treat 'em right."

"Thank you, pappy Joe," Riley tells him before looking up at the sky. "I see why you get homesick for Texas sometimes, Lucas. I never knew that the sky had this many stars." she walks over and pats Lucas on the shoulder. "You know what else? I don't get nervous when I'm with you anymore. We're doing the right thing. Ah. Remember when we couldn't even say "hi" to each other? Remember how we'd go, "hi." "Howdy." "Hi." Remember? Now watch this. Say "hi" to me."

"Hi," Lucas tells her.

"Hi, Lucas. What up, brah? What's up with you, man? You good? You cool?" she exaggerates.

"Hi," Lucas repeats.

"Still got some catching up to do," Riley tells him.

"Or somebody's trying too hard," Amelia comments causing Riley to glare at her.

"Riley, I... I don't even know what's going on right now." Lucas tells her.

"What's going on is that we're gonna be the best of friends and care about what each of us has to say for the rest of our lives," Riley explains to him.

"Yeah, I sort of thought we had that," Lucas tells her. "What does brother and sister mean?"

"It means... you know..." Riley trails off before punching him in the arm. "Poom!"

"Hey!" Lucas complains.

I have no idea what she was doing. I don't punch Lucas and I sure as heck don't hit Auggie.

She punches him again."Ping!"

"Riley!" Lucas whines.

Riley points at his face. "Ha, you said that just like a brother would."

"Well, can I hit you back?" Lucas asks her.

Riley shakes her head. "No."

"Only you get to hit me?" Lucas asks in disbelief.

"Mm-hmm." Riley nods. "We're just like how you and Maya were. Ha-hee."

"You don't even do it right," Maya tells her.

Riley turns around to face her. "Oh! Maya, I thought you weren't talking to Lucas."

"I'm not talking to him. I'm talking to you." Maya tells her.

Lucas walks over to her. "Maya, are you seriously not gonna talk to me?"

Maya hesitates for a second before speaking up. "You could've gotten hurt on that stupid bull. What do you think you getting hurt would have done to the people who... "

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