Cooper Sibling Questionnaire

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A/N: So I was up at 1:04 am and couldn't sleep, so I turned on my laptop and decided to write. This should keep us all going until the next book and the new book I'm writing. So enjoy the Cooper Siblings. Can you guess who's kids this are?


So let's start with an introduction of who you are, you're birthday and your age.

Wren: I'm Wren Jade Cooper, and I'm 15 almost 16, I was born July 10, 2024.

Mateo: What's up? I'm Mateo William Cooper, thirteen and I was born April 17, 2027.

Liam: Hey. I'm Liam Thomas Cooper, and I was born on the first day of 2029, I'm 11.

Sienna: Hello *waves*. I'm Sienna Belle Cooper, I'm 10 and was born on the last day of 2029.

Who's the oldest?

Wren: Me!

Liam: *Rolls eyes.* She doesn't let us forget it.

Who takes longer to get ready?

Wren/Mateo/Liam/Sienna: Mom!

*All laugh*

Liam: But between the four of us Sienna.

Wren: *Nods* I'm sixteen and have more going on with my body than she does, but I take third of the time she takes to get ready.

Sienna: *Shrugs* I like to look good.

*Mateo makes a funny face at Wren who shrugs and covers a laugh.*

Describe each other in three words. Wren does Mateo, Mateo does Liam, Liam does Sienna, and Sienna does Wren.

Wren: Okay...umm...amusing, chivalrous, and responsible.

Mateo: Thanks, sis. Liam is easy going, dedicated and positive.

Liam: *Wraps an arm around Sienna* This one here is honest, affectionate, and spontaneous.

Sienna: Wren is dependable, passionate, and...what's that word? Sincere. She's an awesome big sister.

Wren: Aww.

One thing that you can do that your siblings can't.

Wren: I can make my eyebrow dance. *Music plays and Wren moves her eyebrows to the beat of the music. Her siblings clap after she was done, and she takes a bow.* Thank you, thank you.

Mateo: *Takes a pen and starts spinning it really quickly* I can spin a pen extremely fast.

Liam: I can turn my hand 360 *Those just that causing his Wren and Mateo to squirm* They hate it when I do this.

Mateo: You hand should not be able to do that.

Sienna: *Gets up* Well mine is similar to his. *Does a triple fold. She smiles with her head between her thigh. She unfolds her body and laughs at the discomfort on Mateo and Wren's face.*

Wren: That looked painful.

Sienna: It isn't.

What is your favorite game you play together?

Mateo: This is a really old game, like really old.

Sienna: Like ancient.

Mateo: It's called UNO.

Liam: The loser had to do a dare.

Wren: We actually still play it still.

Who is more obsessed with the technology?

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