Queen Meets Couple Questionnaire

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A/N: So this is a special chapter, it's a couple Q&A from Rose and Maximo. Here's the catch though it's an older Rose and Maximo. Since I know I want to get through their high school years, but I don't know if I want to write their college years and/or adult years, but I still have ideas I decided to write this. So enjoy this until the next actual chapter.


How did you two meet?

Rose: His sister and I are best friends, and she invited me to her fourth birthday, and I meet her annoying older brother.

Maximo: Annoying? You mean deviously handsome right?

Rose: No, annoying.

Who is the most jealous of you two?

Rose: I'm pretty jealous, but I think Maximo has it worse.

Maximo: You're kidding right? Remember your freshman year you tore Constance a new one.

Rose: And you remember your senior year? You almost got expelled.

Maximo: He should have taken my warning.

Rose: Let me remind you that you broke his jaw and nose.

Maximo: Like I said he should have taken my warning.

What are your three favorite physical things about your partner?

Rose: His smiles, his broad shoulders, and his hands.

Maximo: You forgot one, *glances down at himself* It's too big to ignore.

Rose: *Giggles.* I do like that part of you too, but I was talking about the things everybody can see. That part of you is just for me.

Maximo: *Laughs* Well for me I love her legs, eyes, and butt.

Rose: You're obsessed with my butt.

Maximo: Yes I am, and it's only gotten better of the years.

Who's more likely to be running late?

Rose: *Points at herself.*

Maximo: I mean we're both pretty punctual.

Rose: But if we had to choose between you and me, it will most likely be me.

Who is the most organized and who is the messiest?

Rose: *Points at Maximo*

Maximo: Yeah I am. I'm pretty OCD, so even the throw pillows been on the wrong couch annoys me.

Who is the bigger flirt? (flirts the most?)

Rose: Maximo. But I don't mind; it's just the way he is. He's charming and good-looking, so flirting comes naturally to him.

Who does the most cooking?

Rose: We split it pretty evenly.

Maximo: Yeah, I work late, so Rose usually handles dinner. I handle breakfast, and we take turns with lunch.

How do you feel about kids and do you want them? If so how many?

Rose: We have a five-year-old and a two-year-old, I'm good for now.

Maximo: I want two more.

Rose: *Shrugs* If you can find a magical way to get pregnant and give birth to two more than we can have two more, but this baby factory is closed.

Maximo: You're not a baby factory, and we don't have to have two more right now. I was thinking that when Wren and Mateo are a bit older, we could have more. Just think about it.

Rose: Fine, I'll think about it.

Maximo: Until then we can have fun practicing. *Wiggles his eyebrows.*

Rose: *Giggles.*

Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Rose: Me.

Maximo: I don't even know what pants are, never seen one in my life.

What's your partner's least favorite housework task?

Maximo: She hates picking up the dogs poop in the yard. I'm just happy he stopped pooping in the house.

Rose: The best thing about being married to Maximo is that because of his OCD he likes cleaning. It relaxes him.

What was the first thing you noticed about each other?

Rose: Besides the fact that he was annoying, I didn't think much, I was three.

Maximo: Not much, I just thought that Amelia had made a new friend. Who knew she would be the love of my life.

Rose: *Kisses him on the cheek* You're sweet.

What does your partner do that pisses you off?

Maximo: It rarely happens, but we had a separate closet built for Rose's shoes because she had too much yet I walk into the bedroom and I trip all over them.

Rose: Okay, but those are only on days where I haven't picked out an outfit to wear the previous day.

Maximo: That's why I said it rarely happens.

Rose: Okay well for me Maximo's OCD can get a little out of hand and annoy me, but I'm so used to it now that it doesn't upset me anymore. But when we first lived together, we used to have the worst arguments about it.

Maximo: Don't remind me, I was such an ass to you.

Rose: We've come along way since then.

Where's the craziest/weirdest place you've ever had sex?

Rose: *Blushes* Do we have to talk about this.

Maximo: The craziest place I think would be when I proposed to you. You see proposed to Rose on a hot air balloon, and suddenly the air balloon wasn't the only thing hot.

Rose: Maximo shut up.

Maximo: As for the weirdest place, that would be at Josh and Elizabeth's wedding.

Rose: They're not gonna see this right?

Maximo: Now that I think about it the craziest place might be when we took Auggie and your parents to China for vacation. We did some great things on the Great Wall.

Rose: *Face heats up* Okay moving on.

Do you know your partner's love language, if yes what is it?

Rose: Maximo likes to be touched, and he loves when I do things for him that he might have mentioned in passing and didn't expect to happen.

Maximo: Rose also likes to be touched, she loves when I compliment her in the morning, and she enjoys when we have quality time together, whether it's just the two of us or doing something with the kids.

Where do you see the 2 of you in 10 years?

Rose: Like we are now. Happy.

Maximo: *Kisses her.* I agree.


A/N 2: Don't Forget to comment, review, and vote.

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