Girl Meets Farkle

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A/N 1: Important question before we start. Have gotten a lot of requests from the previous book and this book to do a Lucas and Rose story, so I'm interested to know who would actually be interested in that. If I do write on it would be an AU of this story that starts in high school, I would keep the same OC characters, but change their relationships and their ages. In all honestly, Rose would excuse my language but f**k up that triangle. So let me know down below if you're interested.


It was Monday morning and I allowed myself to wake up later than usual. Getting up I went through my morning routine before getting dressed in a red spaghetti strap frill detail gingham cami dress with white chuck taylors. Grabbing my bag and a denim jacket I walked out of my room. I was pulling my hair into a ponytail as a stepped into the dining area, where everybody except Riley was seated at the table eating breakfast.

"I was starting to worry, I thought the world was about to end." Dad jokes

"Ha ha ha," I deadpan. "You're so funny."

"Leave her alone Cory," Mom tells him. 

I stick my tongue out at him. "Thank you, Mom."

"You're welcome," Mom says. "Now come and eat."

"It's good," Auggie says with his mouth full.

I ruffle his hair. "It'll taste even better if you eat with your mouth closed." I look over at Mom. "I would love to, but I promise Amelia and the others that I would meet them at Topanga's for breakfast."

"Opening Topanga's for breakfast, brunch, and dinner is the best money move ever made," Mom says.

"I'll tell Asher you said thank you for the idea," I tell her as I walked over to the front door petting Atlas as I passed. "I'll see you guys later," I say as I leave the apartment.

When I reached Topanga's the others were already there waiting for me, I walk over to them.

"There she is," Asher says as I approach them. "We were starting to get worried."

I took a seat beside Maximo who wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You know my Dad said something similar this morning. Is it so weird that I sleep past 7?"

They all nodded their heads. "Yes."

I pout. "Don't pout. Here." Maximo passes me a plate of butterscotch sticky buns and a cup hibiscus lemonade.

"Thanks," I tell him as I take a bite from the bun. "So what's up?"

"What are your plans for the summer?" Eloise asks.

"Besides traveling with Uncle Shawn, I have no idea," I tell her.

"What about dance?" Asher asks me.

I sigh. "I still love dancing, but I'm kind of sick of the competition scene and we're starting high school in a couple months and I want to explore different things. Plus the reason I started dancing its how I meet Amelia and she stopped coming to competition and classes months ago. I'm gonna keep going to competition until school ends though. "

Asher nods. "That's understandable,"

"So nobody has any plans for the summer then?" Amelia asks with a grin.

Maximo raises an eyebrow at her. "Why?"

Amelia's grin widens. "Well, I was talking to Dad the other day...."

"How is that going by the way?" Eloise asks.

"It's going great actually," Maximo answers. 

"Well, it's going great with our Dad," Amelia adds. "Mom not so much."

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