Girl Meets S.T.E.M

5.6K 126 64

A/N: With all the issues wattpad as I love it, and one of the main reason for that is that if you want to comment you have to have an account, allows you to comment as a guest. The reason I'm bringing this up is that I upload on too and recently after posting Girl Meets Couple Questionnaire I revived this comments from a Guest:

Rose is a bitch and your story is going to be trash without Joshaya.


This story is TRASH! Who the fuck is Elisabeth?! Sorry, you dumb ass BITCH but Josh marries Maya so get it straight or get the fuck out here with this boring dumb as fuck bullshit of a story that no one wants to read.

I'm seriously wondering if they're the same people.

Thank you to the guests that said:

Delete the mean review. I do think Joshaya would have really added to your story but it is a road you for strange reason aren't going down but people don't need to be mean.


Great job! I love that you have Josh marry someone other than Maya, mostly because it pisses the jerks and bullies (aka: Joshaya shippers) off. Do not let them tell you how to write your story. They obviously don't have enough brain cells to recognize that this isn't a Joshaya story, and not everyone worships Maya the way they do.

Basically, all I have to say about this is that if you are still reading this story and her a Joshaya fan, I already said a couple months ago this will have no Joshaya in it. If you have continued to read it that's not my problem. The fact that you took the time out of your day to call me names when you don't even know who I am just shows the type of person you are. And seeing that on this story as 6,366 views, 32 favorites, 24 followers on Wattpad it has 34,393 reads and 852 votes, it's also #1 in lucasfriar, #3 in MayaHart and FarkleMinkus, and number #11 in girlmeetsworld tells me people do read this.

Thank you for listening to me vent please continuing to the story.


Rose's Outfit:

Rose's Outfit:

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