Girl Meets Texas I

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I was sitting in history talking to Amelia, Farkle, Lucas, and Zay as we waited for Dad to come in a start the class when Riley and Maya walked in.

"We have changed the life of somebody in this room!" Riley announces causing us all to look up at her.

"Oh please, not me." Zay pleads with them.

"I'm happy with my life the way it is," Farkle tells them. "I got tall and my teeth came in nicely."

I look at him. "You have such simple desires in life Farkle."

He raises an eyebrow at me. "I want to take over the world."

"Point taken."

"I don't know why you're all acting like whatever they did isn't going to affect all of us." Amelia states. "The person whose life the 'changed' is gonna get it but we're all gonna be dragged into it too."

"Yeah," Maya agrees. "Besides we're not talking about you four."

Lucas gets off his desk. "Oh no. What'd you do?"

"Oh Lucas, in your whole history, we know what has always been your biggest regret," Riley tells him.

"Baaaah..." Maya mutters quietly.

Lucas' eyes widen at her. "What's that, why would you do that?"

"BAAAAAH!" Maya yells in his face. "You used to be a champion sheep rider at the mutton-bustin' rodeo until you fell off of Judy the sheep."

"And then you gave up, but you never got over it," Riley adds.

"That is my deepest, darkest secret! No one knows I fell off Judy the sheep except..." Lucas utters before looking back at Zay who smiles at him.

"They, they made me Lucas, they, they made me!"

"How did they make you?" Lucas asks him.

"I said, "Y'all wanna hear a great Lucas story?" They said yes!" Zay explains.

"Okay it doesn't matter, I'm over it. I don't think about that day at all." Lucas reassures us. He stares into space before sobbing into his hands. "I fell off that sheep so fast. No one likes me!" Zay pats him on the shoulder.

"You like you're over it," Amelia tells him.

"Lucas, you can fix this! Get back on that sheep and be a sheep champion!" Riley tells him.

"We have made that possible," Maya says.

Lucas removes his hands from his face. "How? How'd you make that possible?"

"Show it to him," Riley says and Maya pulls out a piece of paper. "RIDE, LUCAS! RIDE, BOY!"

"We are not related," I told her.

"We have entered you in..." Maya starts.

"The Annual Mutton Busting Tournament!" Riley continues.

"In Austin, Texas!" Maya finishes.

"In front of everybody you know!" Riley adds.

"YAY!" the two of them exclaim.

"You can't enter me in Mutton Busters, you can't be over 8 years old or over 55 pounds." Lucas protests.

Maya shakes her head as she walked closer to him. "You are wrong, young Lucas. We entered you last week and your application's been accepted."

Riley reads the paper. " Congratulations, Lucas Friar. You are an official entry in this year's Austin Roundup Rodeo! You will be riding Tombstone the sheep."

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