Girl Meets Rah Rah

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A/N: I never like cliffhangers and if I'm reading a story or series (movie and books) where there are cliffhangers I usually wait until the story or series is over before reading/watching it. Now though, now that have done my own cliffhanger I see why they do it. It's like any overdose on power. Thank you all for the reviews and don't worry there is no cliffhanger for this chapter...or is there?


We just got back from the hospital, and Mom and Dad are helping me get settled on my bed. The doctor allowed me to go home but not before giving me some antibiotics and putting me on bed rest for the rest of the week.

"Okay, You're all settled?" Mom asks. I smile and nod at her.

"Good," Dad says. "We're going to have our phone with us at all time so. If you need something just call us."

At that moment there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I say, my voice was still weak but it was getting there. Maximo's head comes through the door and he smiles at us all.

"Maximo," I breathed out. The two of us still hadn't talked since our argument.

"How did you get in?" Dad asks him.

"Auggie let me in," Maximo replies.

"Well, it seems like you two need to talk. We'll leave you two alone" Mom says walking out the door.

There was silence before I yelled. "Mom!"

Mom comes back and drags Dad out the room by the ear, "I said we'll leave you two alone."

Maximo walks further into my room and cautiously sits on the edge of my bed, "So what happened?"

"I had low blood sugar, like dangerously low blood sugar," I tell him

His forehead creased in worry, "That's a surprise. As soon as you get the signals that your blood sugar has dropped or risen you take care of it."

I look down at my hands in frustration, " I have hypoglycemia unawareness, I no longer notice the warning signs that my blood sugar has dropped."

Maximo reaches for my hands, "Rose." I let him hold my right hand.

I force a smile on my face, "I'm fine."

"You're not fine."

My smile fell, "I'm not fine. I thought it was getting easier, I was the one in control of it and I was managing my diabetes well. Now, this happens."

He squeezes my hands, "So what are you gonna do about it?"

"So, I'm getting the Dexcom 5G, so that I can continuously monitor my blood sugar."

He raises an eyebrow, "You mean so your Mom can continuously monitor your blood sugar."

I giggle, "Exactly."

"You're gonna get through this Rose," he tells me.

"Thanks," I bite my lips, "You were right."


"I do let Riley get away with a lot of things, cause I do feel guilty that Mom and Dad focused on me more than her cause of my diabetes," I explain to him.

"Rose you didn't ask to be diabetic, and you are doing the best you can with it. You are so strong and independent and you're only thirteen."

My mouth twists into a smile. "Thanks."

Maximo leans down and our lips meshed together.

Maximo breaks away first, "I missed doing that."

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