Girl Meets Rileytown

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Instead of waking up to my alarm like usual I woke up to the feeling of wetness on my face, rubbing my face I looked down at my hand to see that it was covered in slobber. I turned to my right and looked at the culprit.

"Who needs an alarm clock when I have you," I chuckle as I scratch Atlas under the chin.

After getting ready I headed to the dining table for breakfast. When I got there Mom, Dad and Auggie were already eating breakfast.

"Morning," I greet them.

"Morning Rosie," Auggie tells me cheerfully.

I lean down and give him a kiss on the forehead. "Morning Auggie." I sat down beside me as Mom passed me my own plate of pancakes. The four of us made small talk as we ate. When we were all down Riley still hadn't shown up yet.

"This is late even for Riley," Dad says.

"Rose, can you go see if she's alright?" Mom asks me.

"Sure," I say as I got up and headed to Rileys' room. 

 As I neared Riley's room I could hear her voice through the door. "I don't want to be unique. I don't want anybody to notice me."

"Since when?" Maya asks her. "Rileytown is where you live. We even made your own flag and national anthem, remember? Rileytown, oh Rileytown. Whee. Yeah, that took us four days to write." there was a pause before I heard the sound of somebody getting off the bed and then Maya asking. " Is this serious or are we having fun?"

"You are a bully," Riley tells her.

I blink my eyes in shock before quietly opening the door.

"Okay, that's not fun," Maya responds as she puts the flag to the side..

"I don't like being laughed at, Maya," Riley tells her. "Nobody likes being laughed at."

"I'm not laughing at you," Maya tells her. "Who's laughing at you?"

Riley walks over to her door. "You never should have come up with it, and you're a bully. Okay?" she says before leaving her room completely ignoring me.

"What was that?" Maya asks me.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out," I tell her.


In history class Maya and stared hard at Riley who was making it her mission not to look at the both of us.

"In what ways do human beings resolve conflict?" Dad asks bring my attention to him.

"Bring in the mama," Zay answers.

"They talk it out," Farkle says.

"They go to war," Lucas says.

Farkle looks over at Lucas. "Why can't they talk it out?"

Lucas stares back at him. "They go to war."

"Oh, okay. You and me against Farkle," Zay tells Lucas as they shake hands.

"This isn't going to go well for the two of you," Amelia tells them.

"They talk it out." Farkle restates.

"They go to war!"

"Let's get him!" Zay shouts.

Farkel takes a styrofoam ball gun from under his desk and shoots the two of them. "You shoulda talked it out."

"Exactly," I say. "A lot of time things escalate to war when all they needed to do in the first place is sit down and talk."

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