Chapter 칠: ʙᴛs (ᴘᴛ.2)

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Smut a head 😝

Taehyung's P.O.V.
I had just woke up and was taking care of my mother when someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Mom I'll be back in a minute" I said and she just weakly nodded her head so I walked off to open the door. When I opened it, you will never believe who was standing there.....

 When I opened it, you will never believe who was standing there

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"JUNGKOOK!?" I yelled.

"W-what are you doing here!... h-how do you even know where I live?!" I asked as he stood there calmly. Not long after I had screamed from seeing Jungkook at the door, my mom had walked her way over to the door.

"Tae who's at the door?" She asked slowly walking over to me and I turned around just in time to catch my mom before she fell.

"Mom you need to stay in bed" I said dragging her back into her room, totally forgetting that Jungkook was here....

"There you go" I said once I had safely laid my mother in bed and tucked her in.

"Thanks Tae" she thanked me with a weak smile which broke my heart into pieces to see her like that.

"Anything for you Mom" I said sitting on the bed next to her and giving her a warm hug. Then right as I was going to get up my mother looked over to the doorway and pointed at something.

"Taehyung, who's that?" She asked and I looked behind me to find Jungkook standing in the doorway, most likely watching us the whole time.

"O-oh, that's Jungkook. I work for him" I explained to her and she just nodded laying on her side and closed her eyes.

Jungkooks P.O.V.
I stood there watching Taehyung stroke his mother's hair as she fell asleep and couldn't help but feel bad so I stepped out for a sec to make a quick phone call.

*Time Skip*

After I ended the call, a car pulled up in front of Taehyung's house and a women stepped out. I quickly walked over to the room Taehyung was in and went to informed him that someone was here.

"Hey Taehyung someones at the door" I said and he looked up at me before he got up and walked to the door.

"Oh hey come in, she's in the back room" I heard Taehyung say and opened the door so the women could come in. I then saw her walk to the room Taehyung's mother was in and sit down beside her as Taehyung stood in the doorway.

"Thanks again Mrs. Kim" he said and she nodded at him saying it was no problem and that she was happy to help.

"Ok, well I have to head out now" he said and she waved him off with a smile. We then both walked out of the house and Taehyung spotted my car in front of his house.

"Um so.... did you need something Jungkook?" He asked me and I remembered what I came here for.

"On Yeah, BigHit is having this little election for a group of people that are going to represent the building and my friend Jin said that you needed to be there too so I came to get you" I explained and he nodded, taking a minute to process what I said.

"Well then, lets go I guess" he said and we walked to my car, got in, and drove off.

Jhopes P.O.V.
While we were waiting for the election thing to begin, Jimin started to get a little antsy and I could tell it was probably because of what I did in the car. Thinking about it made me a little horny myself so I grabbed hold of Jimins wrist, pulling him into my lap and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Yahh! We're in public!" Jimin whispered to me but I didn't care and stole a kiss from causing him to bulsh a little.

"Your too cute ChimChim" I whispered into his ear getting a little hard. I'm pretty sure he noticed and looked back at me with a smirk.

"Is someone hard?" He asked me quietly so only I could hear him and I just slowly nodded. The smirk he held on his face grew wider and he stood up grabbing my arm. I immediately knew what he was doing as he began to drag me in the derection of bathroom.

"Hey were are you two going?" Jin asked us questioning why we were leaving so I turned around still being dragged by Jimin.

"We'll be back before it starts" I yelled back at him and he just gave me a disappointed look, then turned back to Namjoon. That was close, i thought as we walked into the building and going straight for the bathroom. Once in there, Jimin immediately shut the door locking it as I grabbed hold of the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you" I said taking a quick breather before smashing my lips back onto his and pinned him to the wall. Jimin instantly wrapped his arms around my neck and i slid my hand down to his bulge making him moan.

"Oh I love your beautiful moans" I said breaking the kiss as I slid my hand into his pants, touching his fully erect member.

"Ah, Hobi~" he whined and I smirked at him.

"Take them off baby" i said gesturing to his pants and Jimin did as I said, exposing his lower half to me.

"Damn your as beautiful as ever" I exclaimed and he instantly blushed. Then in attempt to hid his bright red face he kneeled down and started undoing my pants. That's my chimin.
As soon as Jimin revealed my member he started pumping it but I knew that we didn't have the time for that, I just wanted to fuck my baby so badly.

"Mmm, Jimin I cant take it" I said and he stood up, stoping what he was doing. Immediately after, I flipped him around so his ass was facing me and slammed my member into him.

"Ahh~ Hobi, mmm... Fuck" he moaned and I couldn't hold back any longer so I started thrusting into him while gripping onto his hips for leverage.

"God Jimin, you feel s-o Good!" I groaned as I kept thrusting into my beautiful boyfriends ass.

"Uh, Hobi.. F-ASTER!" He moaned out and I did as he said thrusting my member into him as fast and hard as I could. He felt so good so as I thrusted into him making him a moaning mess, I wrapped one arm around his waist holding onto him and then slid my other arm around him till his memeber was in my grasp and started pumping him.

"Ah-ahh, Hobi~ that f-feels so g-good" my beautiful Jimin moaned out and I felt myself getting close.

"Mm Fuck Jimin... I-m close!" I said.

"Ah! Hobi, me t-o" he moaned and i started kissing his neck as my dick went deeper into his ass hitting a good spot that made Jimin moan loudly in pleaser.

"AH-AH, HOBI, im coming~" he yelled out as he came all over his chest and I got one last thrust in before I came too.

"Ahhh!" Jimin moaned out one last time and I pulled out as he fell to the ground.

"That.... felt... so... good..." Jimin said while taking deep breaths and I smile at him.

"Come on baby, lets get cleaned up" I said and he smiled as we began to clean ourselves up.

[ TBC in pt 3 ]

Sorry I'm going to put this into three parts because otherwise the chapters would be really long and I didn't really want to do that ☺️

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