Chapter 3 the fight in the future

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Y/n; I was off doing some solo training. Goku went to go meet with Zeno. Trunks was resting after training with Vegeta.  I went back after a few hours. I heard that the time machine was done. We went to the future. Right away Goku was attacked by resistance soldiers. But Trunks sorted that out. The troops led us to where everyone was at. Vegeta gave them what Bulma packed for them to live off of for some time till the thing blows over. 

Vegeta: I'll deal with that Goku Black myself.

Goku: Hey! No fair Vegeta! I did not get to finish my fight! 

Vegeta: So it is your own fault! 

Goku: Y/n did the same thing.

Vegeta: And he is Y/n. I already told him he can have his fight. And since I am his father my word is final. 

Goku: Fine. At least play rock paper scissors to make it fair. 

They played and Vegeta won. Trunks and everyone else but me was confused. 

Y/n: This is just another day at the office. 

We left and found a nice space. Vegeta fired a Ki blast to aware our enemies of our location. And they arrived moments later. 

Black: That is odd, I could've sworn I destroyed the time machine.

Goki: Perhaps you did a terrible job. 

Vegeta went super saiyan blue. I did as well. Both of them looked unsurprised.

Black: Nicely done for mortals to ascend to this level of power. 

Goki: Indeed, color me impressed. 

Y/n whispers to Trunks: What color would that be?

Trunks: That is a figure of speech Y/n. 

Y/n: Okay. 

 Goki pointed at me. 

Goki: Let us fight once more Y/n. 

I walked in front. We charged and met one another in a clash. I won and started to pummel her. Her back was against a building as I let loose a barrage of punches. It never seemed to end.  But she smirked and I sensed something hidden. She kicked me in the gut and it knocked me back a few feet. 

Goki: Thanks to you Y/n. I was able to achieve my true power. A transformation.

Y/n: Oh, please do that. Especially if it makes you stronger like super saiyan does. I want a better fight. 

Goki: I do not understand you. After hearing that you will just let me transform? 

Y/n: Yeah. We do stuff like that all the time.

Goki transformed and her hair went pink.

Goki: Here it is. Super saiyan rose as we deemed it. 

Y/n: Oh pink super saiyan, that is new. 

Goki: Y-yes that is true. Do you even function properly? 

Y/n: Define properly? 

Goki: *sighs*. 

Y/n: You know as much as I like hearing your voice and talking to you. I want to fight.

Goki blushed not expecting that comment. She shook herself out of it and charged. After a few minutes of fighting. I saw Black stab Vegeta with an energy blade. 

Y/n: Dad! 

Goki charged at me with a blade of her own.

Y/n: Now that is cheating.

Goki: All is fair in love and war. 

Y/n: Then where is the love?!

Goki: I can not believe you are so goddamn dumb!

We continued fighting. She tried to slash me over an over.

Y/n while dodging: No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. 

Goki: Would you just stand still!? 

Y/n; No thanks I'm good! 

Later a guy in green that Goku said is named Zamasu arrived. It was revealed that he is working with Black and Goki.

Goki: You are lasting longer that Goku and Vegeta combined. Black and I are even in power.

Y/n: Well I am not even full power yet! I got one more transformation to go! But I will not use it yet.

Goki confused: Whyyy? 

Y/n: Then it would end too fast. And I want a good long fight. 

Goki confused: I-I-I-why-how-what. Argh! You are so confusing! 

Y/n: That is what everyone says. 

After a few more minutes of fighting I noticed Goku and Trunks were both beaten-ed. 

Y/n: Oh dang it not again. Why am I the last one standing most of the time? 

I noticed Vegeta fire a god final flash destroying the attack made to finish Goku and Trunks.

Y/n: Look I hate to cut this short. But my friends might want to leave. *gets ready to do a solar flare* SOLAR FLARE! 

Goki: Agh! GOD DAM IT! 

The attack blinded her and I escaped grabbing Vegeta and taking him with me.

We made it back to the resistance and Mai used the capsule that had the time machine in it. She started charging it and put Goku, Vegeta and Trunks inside! As it finished charging Black arrived. I got in quickly and Mai made it go to the past but she jumped  out before it went. We arrived back in the past. The window opened and Trunks woke up. I carried them out and Bulma ran over.

Bulma: Y/n what happened?! 

Y/n: They were really strong. we got to get them senzu beans.  

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