Chapter 14 a future

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A/n: If you could not tell by now. My patience as a writer is small. 

Y/n: It was a normal day for me. I was training with Goku and Vegeta. To make it fair I was not allowed to go super saiyan indigo. In the five weeks that have pasted since the tournament. We have been training in case of another one. Vegeta wants to be able to defeat Jiren.  Goku is trying to master ultra instinct. Vegeta said that he can keep it, he does not need to have it. For Goku it is still a drain of stamina. When he faces me in ultra instinct. I go super saiyan indigo and I win from stamina. 

After a day of training we went home.  Vegeta and I went back to capsule corporation. I went to me and Goki's room. I saw Goki in bed. I saw she was awake.

Y/n: Hi. 

Goki tired: Hi. 

Y/n: You okay?

Goki: No. I feel like garbage. 

Y/n: Okayyy? So did you take anything?

She nodded. 

Y/n: Did it help?

She shook her head

Y/n: Hmmm. Well I can see if Bulma can help.

Goki: *reaches one arm out* Lay with me please.

I listened and crawled into bed. Goki wrapped one arm around me and nuzzled herself into my chest. She quickly fell asleep. I could feel her light breathing on my chest. I almost ended up falling asleep myself. But then Goki's stomach started to growl. She woke up slowly. 

Goki: This would be embarrassing if it was not just you here. 

Y/n: Want me to get you something.

Goki: Maybe some toast or something to that nature.

I kissed her forehead and she let go of me. I got up and went into the kitchen. I made some toast. While I Was waiting Bulma came up.

Bulma: Hey Y/n. 

Y/n: Hey Bulma.

Bulma: Making yourself toast?

Y/n: No, Goki is not feeling too well.

Bulma: Well then it is sweet for you to make her toast.

The toast popped up a few seconds later. I took the toast to Goki who was happy to have something to eat. I gave her a kiss on her forehead before I left the room. I made myself food and ate a mountain of it.  After I ate I decided to lay down with Goki. For the rest of the day Goki only got out of bed to go to the bathroom. She was all about comfort at that point. And I did everything I could to help her.  This went on for a few days.  One day I was outside getting some fresh air. I saw Goku and Vegeta approach. 

Goku: Hey Y/n! We're going to train, want to come with?

Y/n: No thanks guys.

Vegeta: What is wrong Y/n? You never want to miss training.

Y/n: Goki has been sick a lot  lately.  So I want to stay here and make sure she is okay.

Goku was about to say something. But since Vegeta knew what Goku was more than likely was going to say, Vegeta elbowed him in the gut.

Vegeta: We understand Y/n. 

Y/n: Thanks guys. I'll see you later. 

They left. I went back in and went to Goki. She managed to go to the couch so she could watch something on TV. I sat down with her. Bulma came into the room.

Bulma: Y/n can you do me a favor and go find some mangosteen?

Y/n: Yeah okay. I'll be back as soon as I can. 

I left.

(Goki's point of view) 

Goki: Why did you send Y/n out to get mangosteen?

Bulma: Distraction. Goki you have been sick for over a week now. And you are extremely hungry. Almost every time Y/n came out it was to help you get food. You are pregnant aren't you? 

Goki: I-I-I-I-yes. 

Bulma: I thought so. How long did you know?

Goki: For a few days. But I still am not sure about all this. Y/n is sweet and all. But being a father is a completely new experience.

 Bulma: Well he can't be any worse than Goku. 

Goki: I know. But what if he doesn't want a child? 

Bulma: Nonsense. Y/n will be so happy to be having a child. And don't worry about Vegeta. I'll talk to him. But you need to tell Y/n. He is starting to get worried about you being so sick all the time.

Goki: Okay I'll talk to him when he gets back.

Bulma: You will have plenty of time. mangosteen are rare. It might take him da.... 

Y/n:*walks in* Man I had to go to like twelves stores. But lucky for me I am fast.

Bulma froze still looking like she was about to say something.

Y/n: Bulma, are you okay?

Bulma snapped out of it.

Bulma: Yeah. Look Goki needs to talk to you about something. So I'll be in the lab.

Bulma left. Y/n sat down next to me. 

Y/n: So what did you want to talk about?

Goki: Y/n, do you love me?

Y/n: Well yeah. Of course I do.

Goki: Remember when we did that thing?

Y/n: Yeah. 

Goki: see I-I-I-I'm. Pregnant!

He sat there frozen for a second. I was in fear. I had no clue what might happen next.

Goki: Y-Y-Y-Y/n. We-we-we can always g-g-get a. 

Y/n pulled me in and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back. 

Y/n: I'm going to be a father. 

Goki: Yeah. 

Goki in head: My Y/n. Truly you are the only one for me. If I would have followed along with Zamasu's plan. None of this would have happened. And I would never know the happiness you give me.       

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