Chapter 16 saving an alternate universe?

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The universe is in danger. Thanks is on earth and has almost all the infinity stones. Vision's stone is the last one. The avengers are on the run now. Trying to keep vision safe. But then they ran into seven orange balls. One was out of place.  Captain America curious, put the ball back where sit belonged. And shenron appeared.

Shenron: State your wish.

Captain America in head: Maybe this dragon can get us a fighter that can defeat Thanos.

Captain America: Give us a warrior that can defeat Thanos!

Shenron: Your wish is granted. Once the warrior defeats Thanos. He will return home.

A light shined and shenron vanished. And where he once was. Stood Y/n. He was holding a sandwich.

Y/n: What in the world?

The avengers approached him.

Captain America: Excuse me. Are you the warrior the dragon sent?

Y/n: What dragon?

Stark: You know. The big green dragon Steve summoned with those orange balls.

Y/n: Oh. Shenron. Yeah I know him. We've summoned him many times. Many for reviving each other when we're dead. So...better question, why am I here?

Black widow: We need you to defeat Thanos.

Y/n:*excited*Is he strong!? Please tell me he's strong!

Steve: Yes. He's strong.

Y/n: Yay! * realization* Oh. Maybe I should make it go by quick. I'm sure if I'm not back soon. Goki will get mad. And Bulma told me to not make Goki mad for the baby's sake.

Stark: Who is Goki.

Y/n: My wife.

Steve: Congratulations on the baby.

Y/n: Thanks. But can we meet this Thanos guy? I really want to fight him. 

Stark: Yeah. Let's do that.

The crew left to go find Thanos. Which was easy since he was searching for the crew. He was surprised to see Y/n

Y/n: He's purple. Reminds me of Frieza in a way. Wait is that raciest?

Stark: no.

Steve: Maybe a little.

Y/n: So um Thanose

Stark: no Thanos.

Y/n: Anyway. I wanna fight you. And I'm hungry. But fight first eat later.

Thanos: I don't even know if you are even intelligent.

Y/n: I don't know. Depends on how you look at it. As Bulma has told me. Vegeta says its just how my life went. And that because of that. I got knocked in the head a lot. Goki just tells me it don't matter since I always win anyway.

Thanos: you are dumb as bricks after all.

Y/n: Hey.

Thanos: What?

Y/n: Before we go on a monologue. Because I've heard so many. Can we just skip that part. I really want to fight you. So no monologue?

Thanos*sighs* I...sure.

Y/n: Yay!

Y/n charged for Thanos. Thanos started throwing him around. Y/n noticed he was slower than normal.  He went super saiyan  and tried again. And even then Thanos was still holding his ground.

Y/n:*excited* This is so much fun! It's been a while since I got a good fight!

Thanks: You should be more worried about what will happen if you fail. I will destroy half the universe.

Y/n: Eh. I've seen universes get erased.

Y/n went super saiyan blue. And even still Thanos was able to keep up and was able to stay at Y/n's strength. The two clashed.

Thanos: I will find everyone you hold dear and apologize to them for your death. I hope you'll be remember. But your loved ones will die along with you.

Y/n: Loved ones?

Steve: Y/n! He wants to kill Goki!

Y/n's eyes went wide. His facial expression went from joy to rage.  Y/n knocked Thanos away and went super saiyan indigo. Thanos went to punch Y/n. It connected but did nothing. Thanos tried to use his gauntlet. But Y/n grabbed his hand and crushed the gauntlet breaking Thanos's hand.  Y/n grabbed Thanos by his neck and held him above him.

Y/n: Never mess with my family! Ever!

Y/n threw him up in the air.  Y/n put his palm out and charged a big bang attack.

Y/n: Big bang attack!

The attack hit Thanos Turing him into nothing but dust.

Stark: *amazed*he did that with no problem once he got serious.

Steve: Y/n. Thank you.

Y/n went back to normal

Y/n: No problem. I got a good fight! That's a win for me!

He started to fade away.

Y/n: I guess this is goodbye. I didn't even eat. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get food when I go home. Bye! *waves*

Everyone waved as Y/n disappeared. A universe called for help. And they got the best help anyone could ask for. An idiot who is unstoppable.

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