chapter 20 the battle for the universes part 2 double instinct's

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The battles now begin. Vegeta wasted no time in charging for Dakon full force. All fighters charged at their opponents soon after. Vegeta and Dakon clashed.

Vegeta: You call yourself a father. I've seen nothing to tell me you actually are one.

Dakon: I saved my son from destruction.

Vegeta: And yet here you are. Fighting Y/n instead of helping him.

Dakon: Xerkon can't be beaten.

Vegeta: You coward! Your not even man enough to fight with your own son against impossible odds! I've stood with Y/n against everything! I put my feelings aside for his happiness! I couldn't be more proud.

Dakon: *clenches teeth* bastard.

Vegeta: If you were any kind of a father. You would help us right now and fight alongside Y/n.

Dakon: Shut up you fool!

Dakon kicked Vegeta away and flew upwards. He fired a barrage of ki blasts at Vegeta. Vegeta fired his own barrage ki blasts colliding with each other.

Tien, Krillin and Yamcha were using teamwork against Harku. Harku was able to keep up with all three of them.

Harku: This is challenging I'll admit. But in the end Xerkon will win.

Tien: We need to do our team attacks.

Krillin, Yamcha: Right.

Tien: Solar flare!

Harku was blinded and couldn't see Yamcha right in front of him.

Yamcha: Neo wolf fang fist!

The barrage of attacks dealt massive damage to Harku. But as Harku was launched Krillin was ready.

Krillin: Kamehameha!

The beam hit Harku and he was sent flying. Harku stopped himself panting.

Harku: You will have to try harder than that.

Nekon was fighting Piccolo and Gohan. Both of them experienced and have sublime teamwork. Nekon had his hands full with both of them.

Piccolo: Gohan. Distract him while I unleash my attack.

Gohan: Got it.

Gohan with the boost while in mystic made him more powerful than he could have ever imagined. He was distracting Nekon while Piccolo was launching Ki blasts everywhere. After a few seconds the sky was littered with ki blasts.

Piccolo: Gohan get out of there!

Gohan dashed backwards.

Piccolo: Hellzone grenade!

The ki slammed into Nekon causing devastating damage. But Nekon was still able to fight.

Riku was fighting Goten and Trunks. He was upset that they could keep up. The two worked extremely well together and almost knew what the other would do.

Riku: I will kill the both of you!

Goten: You mad bro?

Riku: Absolutely livid!

Goten clashed with Riku. Trunks appeared above them and kicked Riku downwards. They appeared on opposite sides waiting. Trunks fired a galick gun and Goten fired a kamehameha. The beams met Riku on both sides.

Reo, Akari and Goki were fighting Sakon.

Reo and Akari were dealing most of the damage. Goki was running interference, every time Sakon went for an attack or some kind of special move. Goki knocked him around.

Goki: Black rose kamehameha!

Sakon Blocked the beam. But Akari and Reo appeared below him.

Akari,Reo: Galick gun, fire!

Both beams sent Sakon flying. He was able to escape.

Sakon: Damn. I got to keep on my guard.

Goku,Jiren and Toppo were fighting Zeu. All three fighters were high impact attackers. Zeu was barely able to hold his ground.

Toppo: Justice flash!

Once the attack hit Jiren and Goku attacked with a flurry of punches. Zeu knew he had slim chances. But he wasn't going to give up.

Y/n and Xerkon were brawling. Sizing each other up. Xerkon was confident in his power.

Xerkon: Tell me Y/n. Do you think you can win?

Y/n: Yeah. I've faced impossible odds before. This is just another fight for me.

Xerkon:*chuckle* You really are dumb.

Y/n: I am told that a lot.

Y/n was powerful but Xerkon was in a different league. Xerkon was able to keep up easily. He knocked Y/n down.

Xerkon: After I'm done with you. I'll go deal with your family.

Y/n: Huh?

Xerkon: I'll listen to their screams. Screams of agony and pain. Then I'll kill everyone else. All the universes will be destroyed. Then I'll revive the ones destroyed long ago. And more than likely destroy them once more.

Y/n in head: Goki,Akari,Reo. My family. The family I made possible. I remember when Akari and Reo were born.


Goki was holding the newborn Akari and Reo.

Goki: Y/n. Promise me something.

Y/n: What is it?

Goki: No matter what. Please. Protect our children. No matter what odds. Please promise me they will be safe.

Y/n: I promise.*smiles*

(Present time)

Y/n: I won't let you hurt my children!

Ki exploded around the area. When it cleared Y/n was in mastered ultra instinct super saiyan indigo. The energy triggered Goku. And Goku went mastered ultra instinct. All eyes shifted to Goku and Y/n.

Jiren: Goku. Help Y/n.

Goku nodded and flew next to Y/n.

Xerkon: Two mortals mastered ultra instinct? Interesting.

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