Chapter 13 raging heart

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A/n: Okay quickly before we start. The rest will be oc.  Unless by accident I make it go with the actual story. I did not read the manga so I have no clue about the actual story from that stand point. 

Y/n: The tournament would end soon. Jiren is the only threat left standing. Goki did not leave my side as we watched Jiren fight Goku. But Vegeta got back up again. Vegeta charged for Jiren. But Jiren was far too powerful for Vegeta who could not even go super saiyan.  I knew Vegeta too well. There was a lot riding on this tournament. As much as he shows no care for his family on the outside. He would gladly die for them.  And I was willing to as well. 

Vegeta: I will never give up, not while I can still stand! 

Jiren: But you have no choice but to fall. 

Jiren knocked him off the fighting stage.

Goku: Vegeta! 

When he landed in the stands, he was badly injured. 

Y/n in head: Dad, I'm sorry. I can't get up or move. I used all my energy. And because of me. Our universe will be destroyed.

Goku tried to fight Jiren. But Jiren knowing time was short eliminated Goku. Our team was surprised to see this. Goki got up and had an energy blade ready. She was shaking. 

Goki: I'm, scared? Wow. I just have to hold out for a few minutes. 

Jiren: Sadly. You will not last.

Goki charged for Jiren. He hit her once knocking her back. Goki did not stay down. She kept getting back up no matter how hard she was hit.

Goki strained: I-cant fail here. If I do- then my universe will die. My-true love-will die. I can't let that happen. 

Jiren: Warrior-sleep. 

Jiren delivered one last punch knocking Goki off the fighting stage. I mustered enough energy to stand up. But a flurry of thoughts flooded my head.

Y/n in head: Dad, Bulma, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, 17, 18, Piccolo, Tien, master Roshi, Freiza, Trunks, Bulla, and you too Goki. You all are relying on me to win, all of universe seven is. I am the last hope for this universe. I will not fail you all! 

Jiren went to strike me. I caught his fist. I went super saiyan indigo, but my hair was shiner then before. The color was more vibrant. 

Y/n: Jiren. I will win and my universe will be safe from destruction. 

I punched Jiren knocking him back. He tried to strike me. I dodged his strikes and delivered a few kicks. But then he gained the upper hand. But as he was about to knock me off. Freiza in his golden form took the punch. 

Freiza: You better win this Y/n! Or I'll destroy you! 

Y/n: We would be gone anyway. 

Freiza was knocked off.

Jiren: Next time there will be no one to save you. 

Y/n: And there is no one for you to hide behind. 

We continued fighting. I was not losing stamina like I was before this. I finally gained control of super saiyan indigo. Jiren and I both knew time was running short. The last few seconds were occurring. The grand priest started counting down. I delivered one final kick to Jiren that knocked him off as he reached the count of one. I won. I actually won!  My team was cheering for me. I fell down and went into my base form. And when I looked at Jiren. I swore I could see a single tear fall from Jiren. Universe eleven was erased. The grand priest allowed our team to be in the arena as soon as it was repaired. And it was repaired in a few seconds. I was able to stand again. My team was teleport-ed to the arena. 

Goki: *runs to Y/n* Y/n, you did it! 

Goki jumped into my arms, I held my hands underneath her rear to support her as we spun around a few times. When we stopped. She leaned down and placed her lips on mine. After a few seconds we parted. 

Goki: I love you Y/n.

Y/n: I love you too my rose. 

Goku: Great job Y/n! 

Vegeta: Y/n. I'm proud of you. You beat someone that could defeat their god of destruction. 

Grand priest: Now Y/n, you get your wish granted by super shenron. 

Shenron appeared behind the grand priest.

Y/n: I wish for the universes that were erased to be revived! 

My wish was granted. The teams of the eight participating universe were revived. But they landed in the stands that were now crowded. They were separated once more to how it originally was. My friends from universe six jumped down to greet me. 

Hit: You did it Y/n. Nice job.

Y/n: Thanks Hit. I told you I would revive you. 

Hit: You did. Thank you. 

Cabba: Congratulations master Y/n. Maybe one day I can be as strong as you.

Y/n: If you train hard enough, then no one can stop you. 

 Jiren jumped down to the stage. Everyone watched as he approached me. I put Goki down on her feet and she walked behind me. Jiren walked up to me.

Jiren: Y/n. Congratulations on your victory. Next time I hope we can fight on the same side.. 

Y/n: I hope so too Jiren. 

Jiren had a small smile and walked away. 

Freiza: Well done Y/n. You have secured my revival. 

Y/n: I know you know not to try and destroy earth. 

Freiza: No promises. 

   After it was all settled. We went home. We had a celebration about it. But since most of us were tired we called it a night. No doubt some of us were glad to be with our families since we almost lost them. Goki and I decided to go to bed. When we got there I plopped down on my back. Goki sat on top of me. She leaned down and placed her lips on mine. After a few seconds we parted.

Goki: Y/n. I love you. And you saved the universe. That deserves a reward~ 

Y/n: Why do I have a bad feeling about this? 

Goki: You'll have a GOOD feeling soon~ 

We started kissing again. And I was glad everything turned out okay in the end.          

fem Goku Black x male saiyan reader beauty of a roseWhere stories live. Discover now