Chapter 9 the tournament begins

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Y/n: We went over the plan of sticking together. I knew that would not last. And I was right. moments after the fighting started. 17,18, Goku, Vegeta and Frieza left. I saw someone that looked like a strong opponent. I charged for them. Goki followed me. I clashed with my opponent. I was enjoying myself. And when I looked over to see Goki fighting as well. I could tell she was having fun too. I focused on my opponent. And he was good. But not good enough to overpower me in my base form.

I watched as universe 10 was the first one to lose a warrior. The number of people left close to the end would be important. Soon I saw universe nine start to surround Goku and Vegeta.

Y/n: Goki! We got to help Goku and Vegeta.

Goki: On it!

We rushed and went back to back with the two.

Vegeta: We don't need your help.

Goki: Vegeta, just admit it for once.

Vegeta: Grr.

We started fighting against universe nine's warriors. And it pushed Goku, Vegeta and I to go super saiyan. The trio de danger tried to use their ultimate attack. Vegeta used a final flash, I did a galick gun, and Goku did a kamehameha. We went super saiyan blue as our attacks mixed and pushed the enemy off the stage. The entire universe nine team was eliminated. The universe was erased. Even though I have seen it before. It still sends a chill down my spine. I could see the look of despair on Goki's face. I grabbed her hand.

Y/n: We'll survive, I promise.

Goki:*smiles* Thank you Y/n.

We let go of one another and soon the fighting resumed. I was not fighting for fun anymore. I was fighting to survive. And that is when opponents were starting to get knocked out of the arena. But soon I Noticed Krillin and 18 working together. I smiled at their teamwork and focused on the enemy in front of me. But soon I saw Frost knock Krillin out of the arena. I let out a growl as an opponent went to strike me from behind. I punched him without even looking sending them flying out of the arena. I was alone at that point. I looked to see Cabba approaching with a smug look on his face. He went super saiyan.

Cabba: I would not blame you if you walked off Y/n.

Y/n: Cabba, until you can beat Goki, you have no chance of beating me.

Goki: *walks next to Y/n. That is right. Why don't you go on ahead Y/n. I'll play with you're student for a little bit.

Y/n: Okay.

I walked away.

Y/n in head: I hope she doesn't hurt him too bad.

(With Goki)

Goki: So Cabba, seems to me that you are striving to become powerful.

Cabba: Yes. I want to protect my home.

Goki: Then you must make it past this tournament first! Only then will you be strong enough. I might not be able to go super saiyan like the others. But I have my own version. Even though to my knowledge you can not achieve this. I will show you the form super saiyan rose! *goes super saiyan rose*. You can not defeat me Cabba. Not until you go levels beyond super saiyan.

Cabba: I understand. Please fight me so I can get better!

Goki: I like your spirit.

I went back into my base form and we clashed. Cabba was strong. But not nearly strong enough to defeat me. I was going easy on him. I wanted to see him grow through the tournament. Y/n has faith in him. And I want to try and secure our survival. If universe six wins then we will be revived. It is a win-win situation that way. Each punch was just as fierce as the last. But when I realized he was using too much stamina. I caught two punches making him stop.

Goki: Rest Cabba. You did well. But remember. Not every opponent will let you go like I am. If you know you will lose, then fall back.

Cabba: Yes. I won't let you down.

Goki: Do not worry about me, worry about your family.

I left.

(back with Y/n)

I looked to see Goku fighting Caulifla. And I noticed Kale was upset about something. And soon something in Kale snapped. She let out a shout and went into a different kind of super saiyan. Goku tried to fight Kale but was getting pushed back. I was about to join him. But a warrior blocked my way. He was a saiyan from universe six.

?: You are a saiyan like me right?

Y/n: Yeah.

?: I am Garku.

Y/n: I am Y/n.

Garku: Y/n, fight me. *goes super saiyan* So that I may learn more about what it is to be a super saiyan.

Y/n: Very well, if that is what you want. *goes super saiyan*. Then lets fight.

I clashed with Garku. We started trading punches. But I noticed orbs of Ki exploding causing the arena to change. Now there were rock formations. It was no longer an open space. I lost sight of Garku.

Y/n: Dam it. I was having fun.

I saw Goki and went over to her.

Y/n: So how did the fight with Cabba go?

Goki: Fine. He is not a complete bore. He needs a lot of work.

Y/n: Like push-ups?

Goki: Y/n. It is a figure of speech.

Y/n: Oh sorry. By the way I found a strong saiyan warrior name Garku. Sadly We did not get to finish our fight. You know because of the change of scenery.

We continued fighting others until universe two made an announcement about their fighters transforming. They kind of did a recital. But Goki and 17 interrupted it. The three doing the transformation rushed over to confront them.

Brianne: Listen! Every part of the transformation has meaning! How could you interrupt it?!

Goki: You can not be serious.

Toppo: I get that feeling! *runs over* For a warrior to assume a pose is justice! That disrespectful, you swine!

I was getting mad at Toppo for calling Goki swine.

Goki: Oh my god this is so dumb.

Goku: Look, let's just let them transform fully.

Goki: If it ends this conversation, then go ahead.

17 signaled to go ahead.

And then they transformed. Ribrianne unleashed her first attack. A giant heart that launched little hearts while an aroma filled the air. It was a strange aroma. It was affecting a few people. But I was unfazed and so was Goki.

Goki: After all that. THIS IS WHAT WE GET?! AHHHHHH!

She started shooting Ki blasts at the hearts destroying them before they hit the ground.

Soon Jiren destroyed the big one and the aroma dissipated.

Goki was still clearly agitated. I walked next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me and calmed down.

?: Warriors of universe seven! Fight us!

I looked to see two men standing there.

?: Our love will defeat you!

Goki: Oh god. Not more of them.

We looked at them ready to fight.

The real battles begin now!

fem Goku Black x male saiyan reader beauty of a roseWhere stories live. Discover now