Chapter 12 beginning of the end with destruction at hand

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Y/n: The tournament is reaching the ending point. Goku was able to eliminate the rest of universe two. Universe six was erased as well.  But now two warriors from universe four confront Goki and I.

?: So Karosha , do you think we can win?

Karosha: I know we can Garoko.

Goki: Sadly you are mistaken. 

Y/n: Victory belongs to universe seven! 

Karosha charged for me while Garoko charged for Goki. I blocked Karosha and he went for a kick. I dodged and punched him sending him backwards. He went for Ki blasts. I dodged and returned them full force. Karosha was sent backwards.  Garoko was knocked into him.

Karosha: Watch it Garoko! 

Garoko: Don't yell at me! 

Goki walked next to me.

Goki: Lets use their bad teamwork against them. 

We charged at them. As we were fighting. every now and then Goki and I would make them run into each other. Eventually they had enough of one another and started fighting. We used that to launch them out of the arena with one energy wave. We high fived. We went over to where everyone on our team was standing. We looked at universe eleven who had five warriors. Only one was unknown to me.

Piccolo: We should not count out universe three.

Universe three sent their remaining warriors after us. And they were strong and hardy. Eventually they conjoined to become one warrior. They were stronger and more of a threat. We did a team attack at full power. As everyone's beams hit. I went super saiyan indigo and charged going straight through the beams and punching Koichirator knocking him into the cloud of dust. Their last warrior known as Paparoni sacrificed himself to create a new and stronger warrior. This warrior was strong enough to cause android 18 to be eliminated. And then I had enough. I let out a shout and went super saiyan indigo once more. I clashed with their final warrior and pushed him straight off the edge.  And with that universe three was eliminated. I went back into my base form to conserve stamina.

And we looked at universe eleven.  Everyone went to fight. Zar charged for Goki separating her and I. The unknown warrior charged for me and launched Ki blasts and they hurt a lot. 

Y/n: So this one is a long range fighter then. Well I have a fix for that. 

I went super saiyan blue and charged for him. He continued to dodge and keep firing Ki blasts. I saw that Goki had no clue what to do against Zar and was losing. I went to help her. But the unknown fighter stood in my way hitting me with a barrage of Ki. I was not happy. I went super saiyan indigo and walked through his barrage. When I reached him I flicked him on the forehead sending him flying out of the arena. I fired a galick gun at Zar making him meet the same fate. Goki walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. But the arena was destroyed making us jump to the nearest piece of debris.  

I looked to see Toppo had the energy of a god of destruction. 

Y/n: Goki stay here.  

Goki: Y/n I can help. 

Y/n: No *goes super saiyan indigo*. This is a fight I must fight alone. 

Goki knew I was serious about this. 

Goki: You got this Y/n. 

I charged for Toppo full force. 

Y/n: You face me now! 

Toppo: You will fall. Justice is worthless now. Destruction will save my universe. 

Y/n: It was not justice that failed. It was Toppo that failed. 

He charged for me and punched me sending me backwards. I delivered the punch back full force and the energy of destruction was useless against me.

(With the eliminated fighters at the stands) 

Krillin: Y/n is able to get past the energy!

Berrus: That is no surprise. 

Piccolo: What do you mean?

Whis: Super saiyan indigo was long forgotten. It was originally used by the saiyan god of destruction of universe 14. He was the strongest god of destruction ever. The form was considered lost. But Y/n sadly does not know how to use it to it fullest yet. If he fights for too long he will lose his stamina. 

(back with Y/n) 

Toppo was as strong as I thought he would be. We both were getting heavily damaged by the other. He was reduced to punching since his energy had no effect on me. But when I had the upper hand. My energy left me and I got on my hands and knees in my base form.

Y/n: I ran out of time.

Toppo was beat up and had bruises and a bloody nose. 

Toppo: You did well Y/n. But now you will be thrown out. 

 Goki: I don't think so! 

Goki fired a black rose kamehameha sending Toppo back a few feet.  She ran in front of me with an energy blade ready. She was waiting for Toppo to try something. 

Jiren was fighting Goku and Vegeta nearby. Jiren and Toppo looked at each other. Toppo charged and started to fight Vegeta. Goki turned to face me and made her energy blade go away. She walked next to me and helped me sit up. 

Goki: What happened? 

Y/n: Super saiyan indigo has a time limit.  I run out of energy after so much use. And I used it more in these last few minutes than I have in my whole life at one time. I need to rest for a few seconds. 

Goki: I'll be here. 

She grabbed my hand in a reassuring manner. We watched Vegeta fight Toppo. And he did the desperate final explosion. 

Y/n: DAD! 

I wanted to get up with every fiber of my being. But I was too tired. But it was revealed that Vegeta was alive. And Toppo was eliminated. I was happy about that. But then Jiren focused on everyone else. They battled and 17 sacrificed himself to save most of us from being eliminated. I was angry once more. Soon Jiren would have hell to pay!        

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