Chapter 5 true power

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(Goki's point of view) 

Goki: We were at the hideout drinking tea. There was conversation. But I could not get my mind off of Y/n. His h/c. His e/c. His smile. The way he is. Even if he is dumb. 

Goki in head: What do I feel? It is not hate, it is not anger. What is it then? It could not be what I think it is could it? He is a mortal. I could not possibly LOVE him could I? 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Black being knocked off of his chair by a bullet. I went to kill whoever fired it but Trunks knocked my blast away. 

Goki in head: I'll deal with my thoughts later. 

(Back with Y/n) 

I woke up in time. We were heading back to the future.  When we arrived. Trunks fell down to the ground. I looked at the enemies with a serious look on my face.  Gowasu and the supreme kai arrived via time ring.  Vegeta was fighting Black while Goku was fighting Zamasu. I looked at Goki. I felt like I had to force myself to be serious about fighting her. I did not understand why. 

Y/n: You wanted to see my true power right?

Goki: So I finally get to see it? 

Y/n: Yes. *shouts at top of lungs*

When it was done I was in super saiyan indigo    

When it was done I was in super saiyan indigo    

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Y/n: Here it is super saiyan indigo. My trump card. I will not hold back. 

I lied right through my teeth. Goki charged but her attacks did nothing. I Punched her once not even full force and she was sent flying through buildings. I caught up and waited. Once she came out the other side of a wall I stood there and she ran into me but did not knock me over. Instead she just fell to the ground. She turned around and looked at me fear in her eyes. She looked into my now purple eyes. I knew what had to be done. I needed to kill Goki. I had a ball of energy in my hand. But every fiber of my being fought against it. I could not bring myself to do it. I let out a grunt and made the energy disappear. 

Y/n: I can't do it. I don't know why. But I can't kill you. 

I left her there in shock as I went to see that they managed to get Zamasu into the urn with the evil containment wave. But Goku forget the amulet to keep him in there. He broke out of the urn. Zamasu and Black used the potra to fuse. They are now fused Zamasu. The battle was getting intense. Trunk's and Vegeta combined their galick guns. But it had no effect. Zamasu fired an attack. Vegeta jumped in the way of the one meant for Trunks. 

Y/n: Dad! *looks at Zamasu* Dam you to hell! 

I charged for Zamasu going straight through his attacks. I was easily able to over power Zamasu. But I had my guard down. When my back was turned. Goki stabbed me through my back. I got down on one knee as she pulled the blade out. She walked in front of me. She had her energy blade ready to kill me. 

Zamasu: Do it Goki! Kill him! Do it now!

Goki looked conflicted. She went to do it. But could not swing.

Goki: I-I can't! No, I won't kill him! *turns around* You want to kill him, you will have to go through me first! 

Zamasu: Very well. 

He fired an attack at Goki. But before it hit. Vegito blue stepped in the way knocking the attack away.

Vegito: Alright! You keep an eye on him Goki! I'll deal with Zamasu. 

Goki turned to face me and knelled to my level. Vegito charged for Zamasu.

Goki: Y/n, I'm sorry.

Y/n: Its okay. You did the right thing not killing me. 

Goki: Look Y/n. If we don't survive this. I want you to know something. I-I-I love you. 

I thought of why I could not kill Goki before. and now it made sense.

Y/n: I love you too.

She hugged me tightly. I returned it. I watched as Vegito ran out of energy and defused back into Goku and Vegeta. Trunk's stepped in and soon his sword glowed a white light. It was earth's energy. he killed Zamasu and it seemed to end. But somehow his evil energy remained. He appeared in the sky as multiple faces. Goku had a button that called Zeno. Zeno went to destroy Zamasu and everything with him. I grabbed Goki and bolted over to the time machine grabbing onto a leg of it Goki hanging on to me. We arrived in the past safe and sound. Goki grabbed my hand.  Vegeta walked up to us.

Vegeta: I am not sure about you though. *points to Goki*. But if you make Y/n happy. Then I can accept you being here.  

I had to explain everything to everyone while Goku and Trunks went to retrieve the future Zeno. They did and Goku took him to his palace in the present.  And soon Trunks was about to leave with Mai. Even though where they were going. I did not understand. Something about there being two of them. Goki and I flew up as they were taking off. We waved. Trunks waved back and we stopped. Goki turned my head to face her. She placed her lips on mine.

Goki: I love you Y/n.

Y/n: I love you too my rose. 

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