Chapter 8 a different kind of reunion

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Y/n: Goki and I went to meet with everyone to go over the plans for the tournament. We got there in time to see 17.

Y/n: Yo 17!.

17: Y/n. It has been a while.

Y/n: Yeah it has. Nice to know you're with us. 

He walked up to us. 

Goki: Hello, I am Goki. Y/n's girlfriend. 

17: Krillin told me about you. Nice to see that almost everyone is finding their happy endings. But I can tell Goki is a saiyan.

Y/n: It is a long story. If we survive I'll tell you.

17: I can't wait to hear it. 

Soon Frieza arrived with Goku. 

Frieza: I see some familiar faces. *looks at Y/n* And some bring back a mix of good and bad memories. 

He approached us. 

Y/n: Frieza. 

Freiza: Y/n. 

Y/n: So are you still evil? 

Freiza: You know it. 

Y/n: Pity, I was hoping we could be friends again after the tournament. 

Freiza: I-I. You know what? I should have expected that. *looks at Goki* Who are you? 

Goki slightly agitated: Y/n's girlfriend Goki. He told me about you. And I want to kill you.

Frieza: Get in line. And unlike that idiot Goku. I don't hold a grudge against Y/n. Mainly because It is hard to hold a grudge against Y/n. 

Goki: I can relate to that.

The supreme kai explained the strategy. Vegeta walked next to me and translated. 

We had to hold hands in a circle. And it was comical to see Vegeta refusing to hold hands with Frieza. But Berrus settled that issue. We were sent to the arena. Soon universe six arrived. Frost walked up to us. 

Y/n: Frost. 

Frost: Ah Y/n. Still sour about the poison needle? 

Goki: THE WHAT?!

Y/n: Calm down Goki. And no Frost, I don't hold grudges. 

Frost: Well then, guess I'll see you around. 

He walked away.

Goki: Grr. I'll kill him for poisoning you.

Y/n: It was not lethal. Just made to disorient me. And it worked. But Jaco figured it out and he was disqualified. 

Goki: Either way. I almost lost you once. I am not letting it happen again. 

Cabba: Y/n! *walks up*. 

Y/n: Oh hey Cabba. Have you kept up with your training?

Cabba: Yes master Y/n. I have become stronger. 

Y/n: Meet Goki, my girlfriend. Goki meet Cabba Vegeta and I mentor Cabba. 

Cabba: *bows* Hello Goki. 

Goki: Nice to see someone as well mannered as you. 

Cabba: Anyway. *moves aside to reveal two others*. This is Caulifla. And the other one is Kale.

Y/n: Nice to meet you. *extends hand*. 

Caulifla: *slaps hand away* This is a tournament. We are not here to be friendly.

Goki: *energy blade appears in her hand* You little brat, I'll put you in your place. 

Y/n: Goki. Wait for the tournament. Besides, she was not there to see my power. You did mention super saiyan indigo didn't you Cabba?

Caulifla: No he did not.

Y/n: Cabba! Super saiyan indigo is the strongest super saiyan transformation ever! And yet you fail to mention it! 

Cabba: S-sorry! I want to get them to at least super saiyan two first. 

Goki: And as a fair warning to you. Pray that Y/n gets knocked out early. I have felt the power of super saiyan indigo. And it is not to be taken lightly.

Caulifla: I bet you won't last five minutes. 

Goki: *chuckles* You are too cocky with not enough power to show for it.  But I sense a hidden power inside you Kale.

Kale: I-I um- thank you. 

Caulifla: Don't mind her, she is just shy. 

Y/n: Understandable.

Cabba: Anyway, good to see you Y/n. But I am going to say hi to Goku and Vegeta. 

Y/n: See you around Cabba. 

They left. Hit approached. Goki looked angry to see him.

Hit: Hello Y/n.

Y/n: Hey there Hit! 

Goki: What the hell do you want?! 

Hit: *fake coughs* Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah? 

Hit: *face palms* Introduce me to your friend here. The last time we met I was supposed to kill you. And I did. At least you did not pull a Goku and tried to throw a three second rule. 

Y/n: Yeah. I wish he would have told me he put a hit on me. But anyway. This is my girlfriend Goki.

Hit: I was surprised to say the least. I would have never guessed someone hated you enough to put a hit on you. But I guess Goku has his reasons. But yet, only one universe can survive. And it is nice to meet you Goki. 

Goki had a confused look on her face. 

Y/n: Don't worry if we survive. I am sure we will revive universe six. Unless Frieza gets the wish. Then who knows what will happen. 

Hit: I am sure Frost won't. But if we win. Then I am sure you will be wished back. But it was good to see you again Y/n. Even though soon we will be enemies once more. But I will see you around Y/n.

Y/n: Bye Hit. 

He walked away.

Goki: I do not understand him. 

Y/n: He is a nice guy once you get to know him. He just picked a career choice that is good for him. 

Goki: He tried to kill you Y/n. 

Y/n: Eh, I lost count of how many tried.

Universe 11 arrived. And right away I could sense the massive energy. And in a way the pride troopers reminded me of the Ginyu force. 

Goki: They are strong.

Y/n: Yeah. I'm getting excited! 

    We went to everyone else. The tournament was about to begin. All eight universes were staring each other down. Forty five minutes, that is how long we had. Before it started, Goki turned my head to face her and placed her lips on mine. We parted a few seconds later.

Goki: For good luck. 

Y/n: Thanks. 

In my head I wanted to make sure I got the wish so I could wish everyone back. SO I got to fight till I can't stand anymore.  





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