chapter 18 revival of the destroyed gods.

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A mysterious figure has collected the super dragon balls. And with them he wished for the revival of the gods of destruction the omni king destroyed from when he was in a bad mood.  Super shenron granted his wish. The destroyed gods have returned. Brought back by an unknown enemy. 

On earth life was good for Y/n and friends. Goki gave birth to two healthy children.  Both are more like their mother than their father. Which is okay considering they have the luck of their father.

Reo is the boy. He takes his father's style of fighting. Learning from Vegeta,Goku and Y/n.

Meanwhile Akari the girl takes her mothers style learning from Goki,gohan and Piccolo.

The two always have fun testing each other. Most fights end in a draw. Rarely one of them beat the other. Them being only 15 means they have a long time to learn.

One time the two teens managed to find the dragon balls. Then they made everyone young until they die. Much to the delight of Vegeta who was wanting to be even more powerful.

Marron has taken a softer look on life preferring to live as much of a normal life as possible.

Pan is a fighter. Trying to grow strong.

Goten and Trunks might have grown older. But they still act like their younger selves.

But now a absolutely normal day turns into a battle for survival.

The Z fighters were at capsule corporation to celebrate the day they saves the universe in the tournament of power. Then a powerful force was sensed by the saiyans that could sense god ki.  Soon a figure approached in dark clothes.

?: Greetings. I am Riku. Former god of destruction of universe 14.

Vegeta: That doesn't make ant sense. Those universe were destroyed.

Riku: We were brought back all six of us. By the former omni king. And his majesty sent me to gauge the strongest warriors. So come at me with all you got.

Vegeta: Y/n.

Y/n: Vegeta. The fight will end to fast!

Vegeta: He said "everything" Y/n.

Y/n: Okay. *goes super saiyan indigo*

Riku terrified: H...How?

Y/n: How what?

Riku: No matter I brought back up.

Soon a unknown man stood in front of Riku. He was no other than Dakon.

Dakon: Y...Y...Y/n?

Y/n: You know who I am?

Dakon: You don't remember me. That's okay. I am your father.

Y/n: What!?

Vegeta flew next to Y/n.

Vegeta: What proof do you have!?

Dakon went super saiyan indigo.

Dakon: I see you mastered it on your own. You've done me proud. Join us son. You can't defeat the true omni king. He'll bring order to the universes. Revive ours. And destroy the rest. Avenge all of us.

Y/n: No. I won't let you kill innocent people.

Dakon: I see. Forgive me for this Y/n.

Y/n and Dakon locked in a clash. Riku charged for Vegeta and started to fight with him. Y/n and Dakon were evenly matched. Riku was gaining the upper hand on Vegeta and knocked him away.

Riku charged again only to be knocked down by Trunks in super saiyan blue.

Vegeta: Trunks! Stay out of this!

Trunks: I'm helping you dad.

Y/n got punched in the face by Dakon sending him flying.

Dakon charged an attack. Four energy beams showed up.

Dakon: Destructive energy beam barrage!

The four beams fired at Y/n. At the last second Goki tackles Y/n out of the way. They hit the ground. Goki got up helping Y/n back up.

Y/n: Man he is strong.

Goki: Yeah. He is giving you a fight.

Reo and Akari flew down in front of their parents. They unlocked a form by combining super saiyan blue and super saiyan rose to make super saiyan blue rose. They both transformed.

Akari: We won't let you hurt our dad.

Dakon: I am a grandfather?

The duo charged at Dakon. Even with their power Dakon was still too much for the two.

Dakon:Riku! We need to go!

Riku flew towards Dakon.

Dakon: We'll meet again. And next time there will be more of us.

They flew away in an instant. And for the first time  Y/n needed to train with super saiyan indigo to get stronger. The trump card was no longer a trump card only he had. Now a foe has it as well.

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