Chapter 11 strong fighters clash and snipers shoot but love conquers all

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Y/n: Goki and I were fighting other opponents. I notice Hit start to fight against Dyspo of universe eleven. Another fighter joined Dyspo.  Hit used time-skip. But Dyspo countered it. 

Y/n: Goki, I'm going to help hit. 

Goki: Okay, but don't let down you're guard around him. 

Y/n: I won't. 

I rushed to Hit. But the other warrior blocked me. 

?: Oh no you don't. I Zar will defeat you in the name of justice. 

Y/n: You'll have a fun time trying! 

We started trading blows. After some time I was relieved to see Goku helping Hit. Zar was powerful. Powerful enough to make me go super saiyan 2. 

Y/n: Now you guys are pushing me up the levels of super saiyan! 

Zar: You will fall to justice. 

Y/n: We'll see about that. 

Every time I punched him, it seemed to be as if he was using it against me. Like he was using my punches, and somehow taking their force and directing them back at me. Then I realized that. That was exactly what he was doing. I backed off and unleashed a barrage of Ki blasts. Now he had nothing to return. I was about to push him off the stage. But Jiren punched me out of nowhere sending me flying into a rock. Goki rushed over to me.

Goki: Y/n! Are you okay?! 

Y/n: *groans* Yeah I'm fine. At least now I know how to defeat that one guy. 

Goki: Well at least we're getting somewhere with you.

Y/n in head: I feel like that is a figure of speech so I will keep my mouth shut. 

We continued fighting until some drones filled the air. When they started firing. Goki and I ran for cover. 

Goki: Okay now this is just not fair! 

Y/n: I agree. 

 I tried to look for the source of the shots but every time I moved I was shot at. 

Y/n: Okay I am done with this. *goes super saiyan indigo* 

I walked out and the shots no longer hand an effect on me. I found where the shots were coming from. Or at least what they were bouncing off of. I fired Ki blasts at him and he jumped away. Goku and Vegeta joined me. We shot Ki at him but it reflected back at us. As the sniper was eliminated. The mirror tried to run away. But a figure tackled him shouting that he wanted to reveal his ability. But Vegeta knocked them both off before he got the chance. I went back over to Goki and went back to my base form.  

Later on Frost learnt the evil containment wave and tricked master Roshi into using it. Frost sealed Vegeta away. But Goki and I saw this and intervened. Goki kicked Frost knocking the container out of his hands. Goki smashed the container on the ground. Vegeta was in super saiyan blue and was peeved. 

Y/n: Next time Vegeta should be more careful.

Goki: Oh well. Gohan and Piccolo are the only other duo besides us on our team.

We moved on to see Gohan having problems. But Frieza saved him. Then Frost showed up and him and Frieza seemed to have an alliance. Freiza attacked Gohan.

Goki: That traitor! 

She went to charge. I stopped her. 

Goki: Why? 

Y/n: Freiza does not work with anyone unless he has a plan. He is smart enough to know that taking out your own teammate is stupid. Just watch. 

She listened and crossed her arms and we watched. And I was right, when Frost had his guard down Freiza knocked him off the stage.

fem Goku Black x male saiyan reader beauty of a roseWhere stories live. Discover now