Chapter 10 universal fighting

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Y/n: Goki and I looked at our opponents. 

?: Ready Shu? 

Shu: Yes Wu. 

Y/n: Wu and Shu. That is a cool duo. 

Goki: Y/n, focus on the fighting please. 

Y/n: Well since you asked so nicely. I will. 

Wu: You can not hope to beat us.

Shu: Our love as brothers knows no bounds!

Wu and Shu: You can not defeat us!

We charged for them. And right away we realized their teamwork was sublime. They were relying on one another. 

Goki: Y/n! We need to separate them!

I grabbed Wu and threw him away form Shu and Goki. I charged for him and I was dominant in the fight. I had him at my mercy. I picked him up by his hair. 

Y/n: You did well Wu. But you rely on others too much. 

I went to throw him off. But another warrior caught him and used instant transmission.

Y/n: That is not fair! 

I looked to see Goki had the same luck I did.  Soon I watched as Gohan eliminated Botamo. And once again Goki and I were challenged by two warriors.

?:Universe seven! We will defeat you and secure the survival of universe ten! I am the iron fist known as Susano!

?: And I am the explosive warrior known as Feuer! 

Goki: I'll take the explosive one. You get the hard hitter. 

I smiled and charged for Susano taking him away from the fight. 

( with Goki) 

Feuer: You will fall before my explosive might!

Goki: Then stop talking and show me you're power. 

He did not charge instead he seemed to focus. An explosion happened right beneath my feet catching me off guard. I had to run to not be caught in an explosion. 

Goki in head: How the hell is he doing that?! 

Then I realized he might be using my power signature against me. So I suppressed it and that did the trick. 

Feuer: No! 

Goki: I figured out your trick. Now you will fall.

He charged but I was too fast and too powerful for him. 

Goki: Those that rely on one thing fall in the end. 

I punched him full force knocking him down. I threw him out of the arena.

(with Y/n) 

I saw Goki won her fight. My opponent was not kidding with the iron fist part. His fist were hard to block. Not because of speed but because they hurt a lot. I had to dodge. At this rate I would lose. Then I got an idea. 

Y/n: Its over! *goes super saiyan indigo*. 

He tried to punch me but it had no effect. Instead I punched him and he fell down. 

Susano: No! I failed. My family, all of universe ten will die. But at least we did not go down without a fight.

Y/n: You did good. I'm sorry it had to be this way. 

Susano: Oh well. Do me a favor. Win this tournament. 

Y/n: I will. 

I picked him up and threw him out of the arena. And with that all twelve universe ten fighters were eliminated. I watched as I saw their warriors disappear. But Susano gave me a smile before he was destroyed. I closed my fists in anger. This tournament was not fun anymore. I despised it. Goki came up to me and grabbed my hand.

Goki softly: Are you okay?

Y/n: I'll be fine. 

But now I must wonder, who is next to be erased?    

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