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Fire and the painful roar of dragons rang threw the air. The shouts and cry of men were faintly heard over the dragons. Metal scraped and clashed against each other. The smoke was thick like the blood that soaked the ground. The island of Dumais was engulfed by war.

The war lasted for days and on one of those days the chiefs wife, Athena, was giving birth to a baby girl. Einar, the chief was slain in battle that same day by his dragons side. His oldest son, Salem, took his place and ordered for the young and elderly to be excavated. Athena made sure her people were able to leave safely. Her younger son, Ashaw, stayed behind to help in the battle, beside Salem.

Athena held the small bundle close to her as she sailed alone with her daughter on the sea away from her home and her sons. The island of Dumais was lost. Even with the dragons by their side, it was all in vain. Salem and Ashaw were never heard if they were dead or alive. Many lives were lost that day.

The days turned to weeks as those weeks turned into a month. A few weeks pasted before Athena was shipped wrecked onto another island. She, along with her baby, was found by a few vikings. Hunger, sick, and hurting Athena was helped and welcomed.

She grew rather close to the chiefs wife who had a child of her own. A son named Hiccup. Athena thought she would fine peace here, but that seemed it wasn't the case. They were at war themselves, but not with man. They were fighting dragons.

This wasn't a place were she wish to raise her daughter, but she didn't have much choice. She didn't have anywhere else to go. She lived in her own small house close by the chiefs home. Hiding who she was, living a lie. A sun raised and fell many times until a tragedy struck.

Valka, the chiefs wife, and Athena were taking by the dragons. Her daughter was alone in the world. The chief being to busy to take care of two baby's had Athena's baby be raised by the healer, Gobber, and the chief when he had time. Most of the time the healer took care of her when the fighting broke out. Gobber took over when the chief was busy and no dragons attacking. He also took care of his son.

The two got along well together. As the years past by they grew closer.

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