Chapter 13: Heart Ache

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Y/n watched her brothers leave and she was finally free to see Hiccup. Y/n pulled up a stair and sat beside him. Toothless sat down beside and laid his head on Y/n's lap. Sky, the strange feather fury, was out with Salmen and Ashaw. She didn't know much of this feather fury besides the fact it was a rare cross breed. Most never hatch and when they do they tend to die at a young age due to sickness or lack of development. Sky was one of the few that survived. What made Y/n question most about Sky was his pelt. Why was he white? As far as she knew, night fury's were black, so why was Sky white. Maybe it was inherent by the feather wing. She didn't know how long she sat there but Toothless grew a little impatient with his rider. He sniffed Hiccup and made a small noise. Hiccup did stir awake. He greeted Toothless and when Toothless step on Hiccups stomach, He back and Hiccup was fully aware of everything now. He greeted Y/n.

"Hey Y/n," Hiccup smiled but grew worried. "Why if Toothless in the house? Does my dad know?"

Y/n chuckled. Toothless bounded around a bit.

"Yes Hiccup. Don't be worried about a thing okay. How are you doing?"

Hiccup looked down at his covered legs and back at Y/n with a smile.

"I'll be fine, but I'd like to get up and move," Hiccup chuckled.

Y/n smile brightened and she and Toothless help Hiccup to the door. When he was greeted with a Monstrous Nightmare he slammed the door.

"Toothless, stay here," Hiccup ordered.

Y/n let out a laugh and opened the door again and Hiccup now noticed the dragons had riders and they were attacking one another. Y/n was the first out with Hiccup and Toothless following.

"I knew it. I'm dead," Hiccup spoke.

Y/n laughed at this as Stoick came over and placed a hand on Hiccups shoulder.

"No but you gave it your best shot," Stoick chuckle and walked with Hiccup down the steps. "So what you think?"

Y/n gave them a bit of space and was soon greeted by Ashaw.

"Hey Y/n. I see he's up," he whispered.

Y/n nodded her smile not falling. Turning her attention back to Hiccup she saw them talking about his metal leg.

"I might make a few tweaks," Hiccup said making a few around laugh.

That's when Astrid came up and hit his shoulder.

"That's for scaring me."

Hiccup reply came out a little fast but understandable.

"What is it always going to be this way be," Hiccup was cut off with Astrid kissing him.

Y/n's smile fell and everything around was muted and all she saw was her best friend, the one she loved and cared for, the one she stayed beside, was kissing the girl he'd fallen for. Hiccup felt a spark but nothing more but that's all it took. She pulled back before he had a chance to return it.

"I could get use to it," Hiccup muttered.

Y/n let out a breath threw her nose and walked away. Ashaw saw the destress and pain in Y/n's eyes. He looked back at Hiccup to see he didn't even notice her leaving. He wasn't sure if he should be mad or not. He wasn't around Hiccup long enough to know the bond he now has with Astrid.

What he didn't know though was his best friend Liu was staring at Astrid with a pain and longing look. He may have just met her but he knew Astrid was a strong and brave warrior. He admired that. Liu grew a small thing for Astrid but it slowly crumpled seeing her with Hiccup.

Hiccup saddled up and flew off on Toothless with Astrid by his side. Meanwhile, Y/n was in the cove were she met Toothless. Hurting she skipped a few stones across the water. It wasn't long until Sky joined her. He gave a low purring noise and nudged her.

Y/n stroked his head and smiled. At least she still had him and a family now. She only hoped she'd keep her strong bond with Hiccup. She didn't want to lose him completely. Sky put his head up Y/n and placed her on his back and he took off.

Y/n made sure she had some sort of grip. Sky flew around the island and up into the clouds and glided there for awhile. She didn't really feel like flying but she also knew Sky wanted to cheer her up. Patting his side Sky looked and her to see she pointed down. Understanding Sky landing back at village and gave Y/n one more nudge and a gentle purr before wondering off.

Y/n sat on the porch of the house she called home and tried to forget about that kiss that Hiccup and Astrid shared but it was no use. She wouldn't be able to forget them no matter how hard she'd tried. She didn't realize how long she sat there when Stoick approached home. It was nightfall already and Y/n only realized this when Stoick asked her if she was okay.

"It's late, you should come inside," Stoick urged.

Y/n did so and went straight into her room. Her stomach was as empty as her. She laid in bed staring at the wall. She didn't sleep. She couldn't sleep. She just laid there. Still and emotionless.

She heard her door open but she didn't move or check on who it was. She realize it was Hiccup due to the light clunk of metal. She shut her eyes as if to be asleep as he walked farther into her room with Toothless looking in. Hiccup sat down and placed a hand on Y/n's arm.

"Hey, Y/n...are you okay? Dad told me he found you on the porch spacing out," Hiccup spoke softly.

When he looked over he saw she had her eyes closed and looked somewhat relaxed making it look like she was really sleeping. He sighed and rubbed her arm lightly before getting up.

"Sweet dreams, Y/n."

Y/n's heart ached as he left the room. Toothless ended up slipping in and sleeping beside Y/n's bed. Hiccup smiled a small smile and walked out. He thought about why she'd be sitting out on the porch spacing out for who knows how long. He realize that she must've not eaten dinner. He thought about why y/n was upset. Hiccup's heart stung at the thought of him being the cause. Sadly for him it was.

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