Chapter 1: Throughout the Years

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Five years old

"I'm going to get you, Hiccup!"

"Haha, no you won't!"

The two ran threw the field near the village with Gobber watching them. He watch them grow up together and day by day. Hiccup and Y/n would play and help Gobber with the weapons. Y/n and Hiccup maybe have been small and didn't have much strength, but they were both smart. Y/n knew she didn't have family here but she decided on making Stoick, Gobber and Gothi her family.

Laughing Hiccup made a sharpe turn, catching Y/n off guard. Stumbling a bit, Y/n regained her footing before running after him. When she got close enough she jumped, wrapping her arms around his waist, pulling him down. The both fell on the soft damp grass.

"Ha!" Y/n panted out a laugh. "Caught you!"

Hiccup laughed and shoved her lightly. Y/n shoved him back teasing. That's when Hiccup turned and started poking at Y/n's side making her giggle. Seconds later he started tickling her. Y/n's laughs rang threw the air as her tried to shove him away.

It was days like this Gobber wish Athena and Valka were here to see their children laughing and playing together.

Eight years old

Y/n grabbed an handful of snow, packing it into a ball, looking for her victim. When she spotted him walking with his father, she fired the snowball to the back of his head. The snow broke and parts fell down his shirt. Turning, Hiccup looking around and spotted Y/b laughing.

Stoick turned and noticed the snow on Hiccup and laughing lightly. He knew what was going to happen, so he felt so he wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. Hiccup gathered some snow and balled it up before throwing it at Y/n. When it hit her face Hiccup laughed at her reaction. Brushing the snow away Y/n made another and threw it at him.

She quickly took cover as Hiccup made another. Hiding behind a house, she thought she was safe. That was until she felt snow dropped on her head and running down her shirt. Jumping up and shook the snow out of her shirt as Hiccup laughed and brushed it off of her head. Y/n shoved Hiccup down into the snow and dropped next to him making little snow angels.

Hiccup followed her lead before they both got up to see there work. While Hiccup admired them Y/n threw a snowball at him and ran laughing. Hiccup laughed and ran after her.

Ten years old

Hiccup walked threw the village looking for Y/n. Checking in with Gobber and Gothi. Seeing she wasn't at either place he went to the fields and found her sitting making something. Making his way over he plopped down next to her to see her weaving flowers together into a crown. When she was done she turned to Hiccup.

"What do you think?" Y/n asked.

Hiccup gently took it out of her hands and placed it on her head.

"Better now that it's on your head."

Y/n laughed and smiled brightly at him. Before making one out of grass and leaves. Placing it on Hiccups head Y/n chuckled as Hiccup puffed his chest and held his head high. He chuckled and hunched over a bit. Their laughing broke once they heard a dragon screech. The two quickly ran into the black smith to help Gobber.

"Their you two are," Gobber spoke.

"Yeah, sorry we were in the field," Y/n explained.

Sharpening sword and axes the two worked quickly and swiftly. Today was the day Hiccup was going to go out and prove himself.

"Cover me," Hiccup whispered.

Y/n quickly grabbed his arm before he escaped.

"Be careful," Y/n whispered.

Letting go of him, Hiccup turned to leave but turned back hugging Y/n tightly.

"Thank you."

As Hiccup left Y/n worked twice as hard now. When Gobber left to help, Y/n was left alone. After she sharpen the weapon she carried them to the front. At the front was a dragon. Dropping the weapons Y/n put both of her hands up. Sniffing her and growling it turned and flew off. What stood out about the dragons is that it had feathers and a beak like nose.

15 years old - Present time of the first movie.
Y/n's POV

This is Berk. I've lived here for as long as I could remember. This place isn't exactly ordinary. You see, most people deal with the normal like pest. Such as mice and mosquitoes. We have dragons. During dragon attacks, my best and closest friends work in Gobbers black smith. As usually, Hiccup is late. When he did show he and Gobber exchange a few words.

"Hey Y/n," Hiccup smiled sharping a sword.

"Hi," I beamed.

I have tried to help Hiccup get out there to kill a dragon and please his father. He once again stopped working to watch Astrid and the others do their jobs. I have nothing against her, but I would really appreciated it if Hiccup wasn't so focused on her. I'm here to and I've been by his side since we were baby's. Gobber pulled him away and they ended up talking instead of working. When Hiccup tried to show Gobber what we had made but something hit the Viking at the window. He ended up scolding Hiccup and soon left to help. Hiccup came over and hugged me before leaving with what we made. Sighing I continued working in the smith until I heard a scream. Hiccup. I jumped threw the window and made a mad dash threw the crowd. That's when I saw Stoick with Hiccup already watching the dragons leave with a lot of our stuff.

"Okay, but I hit a nightfury," Hiccup let out.

Stoick obviously wasn't happy and grabbed Hiccup. That's when Hiccup tried to explain what had happened. When I heard a location where the beast may be I quickly rush to the woods. Throughout these years I've always been one to stand up for him and help in anyway I can. If I can find the dragon maybe I can lead Stoick here to see what Hiccup said was true.

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