Chapter 14: A Talk

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The next few days past and Y/n did come back to her mostly normal state. She was still a bit torn with Hiccup falling for Astrid but she'd come to terms and excepted it. She didn't see much of Hiccup anymore due to his new friends crowding around. This did hurt her on the inside but she learned to cope. Her brothers, Liu, and Cherry helped her cope.

As of now, Y/n flew beside Ashaw and Liu, something she started to do a lot. Salmen and Cherry would have joined them, but he left to check up on the villagers that took well care of themselves, and Cherry helped out in the healers hut.

"So, how was it living in Berk?" Liu asked.

Y/n thought for a moment as the dragons slowed to glide peacefully in the sky.

"Well, it was wild. Dragon raids happened here on occasion and Hiccup and I was help out our black smith," she replied. "Well if I wasn't helping Gobber I was helping Gothi, our healer."

"You stayed with Stoick right?"

Y/n gave a nod in reply, "he is like a father figure to me. Him and Gobber."

Ashaw and Liu smiled at that. At least she was raised to have some sort of parent figure. Something Liu envied. Ashaw and Salmen ended up raising Liu as a baby. They found him on the battle field crying. So they took him in and raised him. Ashaw was a big brother to Liu and Salmen was the closest thing to a father he had. Before long they decided to land. Their dragons took off to the sky's as they walked around the village.

"Hey, Y/n? Have you made up your mind about leaving?" Liu asked.

Ashaw turned to her to see she was conflicted. It was a hard choice for her to make but that didn't mean she couldn't visit at whatever place they were going.

"You know you can always visit here or visit us. I'd completely understand if you'd rather stay here than leave," Ashaw smiled.

Y/n returned it and gave a low sigh. She thought about it for a bit. Hiccup was really to busy with his other friends or alone Toothless for a flight. She did understand that people like to have there space or alone time, but it seemed there was anytime for her.

"I think I'd like to go with you guy. After all, we have been separated for how many years now?" Y/n asked with a light chuckle.

Ashaw chuckled with her and turned to see Stoick trying to help his villagers.

"I'll catch you guys later. I'm going to see if Stoick needs help," Ashaw smiled before parting.

Ashaw helped Stoick in any way he could. Stoick was grateful for his help. Y/n and Liu ended up talking about what ever came to mind. Over the days, Liu, her brothers, and Cherry picked up her broken pieces. She considers them close friends.

"Care for a jog?" Liu asked.

Y/n shrugged. She learned that Liu enjoyed a workout or training. He did teach her on how to use a sword and bow. Thanks to him she was actually able to take out Ashaw in a sword fight. Her oldest brother taught her hand to hand combat when he could spare the time. She could well defend herself and that put the brothers at ease.

"Why not. Where to?" Y/n asked.

They decided on the cove. Smiling they ran threw the woods. Jumping over bushes and across rocks they made it down to the cove. When they got there they saw Hiccup and the five who slowly grew a friendship over the days. Hiccup was the first to spot them.

"Hey!" Hiccup called.

Y/n gave a small wave and glanced at Liu to see him a bit nervous but smiling. They walked over and greeted the others.

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