Chapter 19: Journey

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Morning came much to quickly for Y/n. Ashaw and Salmen were saying there farewells to Stoick as Liu and Cherry packed and readied the dragons.

"Well I guess this is goodbye?" Hiccups asked.

Before she could answer, Ashaw spoke in.

"This isn't goodbye Hiccup. As a matter of fact we hope to see you and your father in a few weeks for the wedding."

"Wedding?" The two teens asked.

Liu walked over and chuckled. He gestured to Cherry and Salmen who were talking about something with Stoick. Y/n smiled and nodded understanding who the wedding was for. Hiccup smiled at this know this wasn't the end and knowing they'd be able to see one another again.

"Think of this as farewell for now. Excuse me," Ashaw muttered before dashing to stop his dragon from eating there food.

Hiccup, Liu, and Y/n laughed watching Ashaw struggle with keeping the food away. Liu went to help him to give the two privatizes. Hiccup pulled Y/n into a hug, which she returned snuggling into his neck. Pulling back Y/n handed him a book. It wasn't another memory sketch book, but a blank one.

"I figured you can put in your favorite moment in your life in it. Or map if you desire. Whether you draw or write its your choice," y/n smiled.

Hiccup smiled at her and look back at the leather cover.

"Thank you, but I guess this is our farewell?"

Y/n bit her lip and sigh.

"Well see each other soon enough," Y/n promise.

Giving one last hug she hopped on Sky and took of with her brothers. Flying off Y/n watched Berk fade away and turned back to see Ashaw with a smirk. He glanced back at her and wink making Y/n curiosity confused. Swiftly Ashaw flew above Salmen and took Cherry from him and flew off.

"Hey!" Salmen cried. "That's my wife."

"Not yet my dear brother," Ashaw called laughing.

Y/n laughed watching Salmen chasing after him. Liu smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Care to catch up to them?"

Y/n smirked and looked down at Sky who looked back knowingly. Soaring off after Liu shouted after trying to keep up. Laughing and flying around one another they came across island after island. After dusk they came across another island, but it was different. Soaring by Y/n spotted waterfalls. The misty water looked pink and purple.

"Beautiful huh?" Salmen asked.

"Yeah, What is this place?" Y/n asked.

"Well this is where we stayed before making to Berk and don't worry, we are halfway home," Ashaw smiled.

Y/n was a little shocked. It took dawn til dusk to get halfway. A two day journey from Berk to the island they were to reach. Well that's by dragon. Landing by a cliff side near the waterfall Salmen was finally able to retrieve Cherry.

Glaring at Ashaw who was smirking teasingly Salmen started looking over for any injuries.

"I'm fine. Really," Cherry laughed.

Salmen glanced up at her and sighed. Holding her near him they left for firewood. The dragons laid on the ground to rest after the long flight.

"Hey, why don't you two look to see what the islands resources has to offer. We didn't get to look threw it throughly," Liu suggested. "I'll stay here and guard the supplies."

Ashaw shrugged and the two went into the forest to explore. It wasn't long until Ashaw started humming and muttering something under his breath. Y/n turned questioningly.

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