Chapter 16: Cheer Up

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Cherry's POV

As much as I wanted to tell everyone on Berk that the dragon left to lay eggs, Ashaw and Liu suggested that I didn't. Salmen agreed, which shocks me because the two hardly agree on anything. Sky did come and go but he mostly stuck around Toothless for some odd reason. Liu claimed Sky to be gay, but I don't think so. I sighed and smiled brewing some of my famous hot cocoa bean drinks (hot chocolate). Salmen loved these drinks. I was lucky I still had some cocoa bean in my bag. I saw Astrid, I believe, walking around giving away yak nog. I snickered on how they reacted to smelling and tasting it. The poor boy was crying. When I heard someone enter I turned to see it was Y/n.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey," she smiled. "What's that smell? It smells nice."

"Oh, it's my hot cocoa bean drinks. There's an island a bit away from our village that grows these beans and other edibles. Where the villagers live there are lots of mountains and lakes. Open fields. It's bigger than here," I chuckled. "But that's the new place. The old resting place was much more like this. Cold but also very small compared to the new place."

Y/n seemed in a somewhat awe like state. I only smiled and gave her a cup.

"It's hot so be careful," I warned.

She took a sip and smiled and hummed at the taste. Salmen always did the same.

"Could you teach me how to make this? This is really good," Y/n beamed.

"Of course. Anything for my future sister."

Y/n paused and looked up at me.

"How have you two known each other?" Y/n asked.

I paused and thought about it for a moment.

"I've known Salmen for a few good years. Ten years I believe. Been dating for four years and he proposed last year," I answered.

Y/n was in thought as if to calculate something.

"You started dating him at fourteen and he was seventeen?" Y/n asked a little startled.

Thinking a little more she shrugged. Three years apart wasn't that bad. Of course I may have been a bit young but it didn't bother us to much. Speaking of the man himself.

"Is that hot cocoa?"

Salmen walked in as Y/n turned and gave a small smile. Ashaw was behind him looking very tired. When the smell of the hot cocoa bean drinks he peeled up. Being boys they both grabbed a cup. Salmen kissed my temple before leaving to help Stoick. Ashaw sat at the table and yawned.

"Thanks future sis."

"No problem. Hey, Y/n," she looked over at me. "Mind taking this around town and showing some holiday cheer? I think Astrid's yak nog is going to make everyone sick, but don't tell her I said that."

Y/n laughed but nodded taking the tray.

"Why? You and I both you are the best hand to hand combat fighter in our village," Ashaw smirked.

I rolled my eyes and scooted Y/n outside to spread some cheer.

Y/n's POV

I when outside and walked out. I offered this drink to kids and adults. Snoutlout was a bit hesitant to take a drink but when he did he encouraged the others too as well. Everyone loved it and I can't blame them. This stuff was really good. I did bump into Hiccup.

"Hey Hiccup," I beamed noticing something in his arms. "What's that?"

"Hey Y/n. This is a new tail fin for Toothless so he can fly on his own," Hiccup smiled with a proud look in his eyes. "What's that?"

I blinked and looked at what was left of the drinks.

"Oh, Cherry made it. It's hot cocoa bean drinks. It's really good, but it may be a bit cold now."

Hiccup hummed and gently set the tail fin down taking a drink of it. He gave a bigger smile and finished the cup.

"This is actually really good even if it's a little cold. Cherry should make this for the party," Hiccup commented.

I couldn't help but nodded in agreement. Seeing that that was the last of it I figured it best to this back to Cherry.

"I should get this stuff back to Cherry."

Hiccup was quiet for a moment before nodding.

"Okay I'll see you around."

"Yeah. See ya."

I turned and walked back to where Cherry, Ashaw, Salmen, and Liu where staying. While walking I noticed Sky was nowhere to be see. I figure he would be with Toothless or with the other dragons. I wasn't to upset about them disappearing, because with the bond they have to this village and the villagers. I believe they will come back. Once I made it back I was surprised to see Ashaw staring down at a blade on the table. It appeared that everyone else was elsewhere. Setting the tray with the empty cups I sat next him.

"You okay?"

He looked over at me and smile but it was different from what he did the first few times. It was fake.

"Down worry about me. I'm just thinking," Ashaw mutter.

I tilted my head a bit.

"About what?"

"More like about who," Ashaw chuckled dryly.

I was confused now. Was I missing something the last time he talked or explained what happened? He looked over seeing I was lost. He gave a small smile.

"I'm just thinking about, Malani."

"Who's she?"

He paused and picked up the knife flicking it in the air a few times.

"Well she was a friend of mine until I figured out what she was raised around and who her family was," He started. "Her brother actually attacked us before I was around. He is close to Salmens age. Of course it was more of a drawl."

He looked in thought for a moment. I place a hand on his shoulder and he stopped tossing to knife and glanced at me before continuing.

"Anyways. Her father was in salving dragons. He never found us like the other guy. His name was Drago. His son, who did attack us and I guess never revealed us to his father, was Odysseus. His daughter was Malani. Both raised to hate dragons, but she was different. Shame Salmen didn't see it," Ashaw glared with venom in his voice. "He kept a close eye on me after that and kept me from seeing her. I could have shown her what it was like to live like this..."

He started to flip the knife. He stop on the third and put it threw the table. There was a crest seal that look like a blade over or threw some sort of dragon.

"She gave me that knife around this time of year and I gave her necklace of our old crest. It was a parting gift..."

I rubbed his shoulder and then stood.

"I'm sure you'll see her again. Also it's the holidays so cheer up and have some fun," I smirked a bit.

Ashaw chuckled and stood up and smirked with mischief covering his face. He suddenly picked me up and put me over his shoulder and took me outside and dropped me in the snow. Before I could get up he knock the snow above me to drop on me. It went down my shirt making me colder than before. Jumping up I shook the snow out.

"You jerk!" I laughed.

"What are siblings for?" He asked.

I smirked and tackled him into the snow and jumped to my feet making a ball of snow which ended up into a snowball fight in seconds. A few kids jumps with Liu, the twins and Snoutlout joining. When Salmen came in sight I threw a snowball at him. Everyone paused for a moment and started laughed when he threw one back at me. He joined and when night came we were all freezing. The three of us huddled near the fire with Cherry made more of her hot cocoa bean drinks and some yak steaks. I'll say this much, she was a really good cook. Salmen is very lucky.

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