Chapter 팔: ʙᴛs (ᴘᴛ.3)

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Namjoon's P.O.V.
Jin and I were sitting up against the rock wall surrounded the BigHit statue, I was watching a video and Jin had his head leaning on my shoulder so he could watch too when suddenly Yoongi; who was listening to music to the right of us, said something.

"Hey, Jhope and Jimin are back" he said and both Jin and I turn to see Jimin and Jhope, hand in hand, walking over towards us and sat down between us and Yoongi.

*Time Skip*

Not too long after Jhope and Jimin got back, someone walked up to the little platform set up and tapped the microphone getting everyone's attention.

"Attention everyone... we will be starting the election to choose BigHits representatives" one guy said and we all stand up walking to the back of the crowd.

"Hey were is Jungkook?" Jhope asked which cause everyone to turn to him, only then realizing the maknae wasn't here.

"Oh he went to get Taehyung" Jin responded making Jhope nod. Wait....? No it can't be him I thought at the mention of the name but decided to forget it since it probably wasn't my old friend.

Jungkooks P.O.V.
We were currently in my yellow lambo, driving to the BigHit building in silence. It wasn't an awkward silences but a calm one that literally just tempted me to break it till I couldn't resist anymore.

"Oh hey Taehyung?" I said starting a conversation

"Yes?" He replied turning his head to face me.

"I see how much you care for your mother.. it must be hard to leave her every day not knowing if she is alright?" I asked calmly and out of the corner of my eye I saw him nod.

"Yes... she's gotten weaker recently and it worries me because I'm not always around to watch her.. and I don't have the money needed to find her a place where she will be taken care of...." he said with a saddened look on his face which broke my heart.

"Hey don't worry she'll be fine I just know it" I said trying to cheer him up and he raised his head again to look at me.

"Thank you Jungkook" He smiled and I smiled back giving him my cute bunny smile. We were now only a minute away from BigHit so I decided to tell him about my little plan.

"Oh hey, Taehyung?" I said making sure to keep my eyes infront of me as I pulled into the parking lot, and he hummed for me to continue.

"A good friend of mine actually runs a place that takes care of people that can no longer take care of themselves for many different reasons and it's a really nice place... if you want I could talk to him and see about getting your mother in, I'm sure he wouldn't mind?" I asked him as I parked the car and we got out. I then turned to see Taehyung's face light up.

"REALLY?!" He asked almost in disbelief and I nodded with a little smile.

"Oh my god, thank you so much Jungkook!" He squealed as he engulfed me in a warm hug which I gladly excepted.

"No problem Tae" I said quietly to him as he still hugged me and then after a moment of processing my words he let go of me.

"C-come on, lets go" Taehyung said with slightly red cheeks and pulled my arm for me to follow as I chuckled at his cuteness.

Why are you so cute?....

Jins P.O.V.
     While we were standing at the back of the crowd, we suddenly heard faint footsteps running up from behind followed by panting. Everyone then turns around to find Jungkook with a boy next to him.

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