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Bianca and K'lynn get home and their mom cooks spaghetti. Bianca gets flashbacks of seeing the mermaid in the ocean.

"Bianca? Are you OK?" Annika said.

"Oh I'm fine." Bianca said.

Annika gives Bianca and K'lynn their plates.

"Thanks mom." Bianca and K'lynn said.

"No problem girls, so how was the party."

"More boring than I thought it would be." K'lynn said.

"Have you ever thought about giving those girls a chance?"

"No mom I haven't, especially because they're Harper's wings."

"Bianca, what happened between you and that girl? I thought you liked her."

"Sexuality differences I guess. We never dated so it's not relevant."

"Oh, well If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here."

They continue eating. Dinner ends and Bianca and K'lynn go to their rooms and prepare to go to bed. K'lynn knocks on Bianca's door.

"Come in."

K'lynn enters the room.

"Are you alright?"

"Yea I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I swore I saw a mermaid at that party. I saw her eyes, they flashed at me."

"It was probably one of those show women."

"Since when can show women flash their eyes at people?"

"They're show women, you don't know what they can do. Just try to get some sleep. You have swim practice tomorrow."

"Oh right, well goodnight."

"Goodnight sis."

K'lynn goes back to her room and Bianca goes to bed. Morning comes and Bianca and K'lynn get ready for school. They get to school and go to class. Bianca is on her phone and Sophia surprises her.

"You scared me."

"Good, you look like you could use some energy. Are you OK?"

"I can't stop thinking about her."

"Who Harper?!"

Harper looks at them.

"What?! No."

Harper looks away and puts her head down.

"The mermaid I saw."

"Are you sure you saw a mermaid?"

"Yes I'm sure. She flashed her eyes at me and went back into the water."

Candy and Roosevelt walk into the classroom.

"Hey B. Is everything OK?" Candy said.

"Everything's fine, why?"

"You left our party early and we assumed you were sick or something." Roosevelt said.

Sophia stands up and pounds the desk.

"What's your problem?"

"Oh shut up bitch. You really think expect me to believe that you actually give a shit about Bianca?"

"What are you talking about?" Bianca said.

"They're only doing this Why can't we be friends stunt so they can convince you to talk to Harper."

"What?" Bianca said.

"You can't prove that." Candy said.

"You threw a beach party the minute school ended, and Harper confirmed it herself, didn't you Harper?"

They all look at Harper and Candy and Roosevelt stare at each other. Bianca gets up from her chair and Mr. Steele enters the room.

"Why are we all standing? Class has begun."

Candy and Roosevelt go back to their seats and Bianca and Sophia sit down.

"OK class, so today we're discussing Mythology. I'm pretty sure you learn a little bit about it back when you guys were freshmen, but what your teacher didn't tell you was what comes with Mythology."

"And what is that?" Corey said.

"I'm glad you asked Mr. Michaels."

Mr. Steele changes to the next slide of the PowerPoint.

"Mythical creatures!" Mr. Steele says in a surprising voice.

"What exactly are mythical creatures?" K'lynn said.

Mr. Steele changes slides again.

"A mythical creature is a made-up creature that is far superior that any other another animal. Mythical creatures are normally hybrids, sometimes part human, and their existence cannot be proven. For example, The Spinx , half human half lion."

"Isn't The Spinx an Egyptian statue?" Harper said.

"I'm glad you mentioned that Miss Sanax. The Spinx was actually my favorite mythical creature growing up. The statue was actually built based of the Egyptians perspective."

"Oh and another question, since your last name is Steele, did you however steele your wife?" Harper said winking at him.

The whole class laughed.

"Miss Sanax that was inappropriate."

"Damn Xanax you're tryna turn Mr. Steele into a dominant too?" K'lynn said.

The whole class murmurs with excitement.

"OK class enough. Now can anyone tell me a mythical creature that they might think is real?"

"Werewolves." Corey said.

"Dragons." Kyle said.

"Fairies." Sophia said.

"Thank you class."

Mr. Steele notices that Biana's head is down.

"Miss Richards? Anything you want to add?"

"Umm, Sirens?"

"Interesting, what type of siren though. Sirens are considered a group of female mythical creatures."

"Like the ones in the Odyssey."

"The book or the movie?" Mr. Steele said.

"The book."

"The Hardies. Interesting."

"What are sirens?" Harper said.

"That takes us to our next slide." Mr. Steele says as he changes slides.

"Sirens are the dangerous mythical creatures that are notorious for causing shipwrecks with their beautiful singing. Some examples are mermaids, hardies, and undines."

The bell rings.

"OK class have a good day. Check the school portal. I have your homework assignment posted on their."

Everyone leaves the class.

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