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Bianca and K'lynn get home and go to their rooms. Bianca finishes her homework and knocks on K'lynn's door.

"It's open."

"What happened back there?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is why were you and Sophia ganging up on Harper?"

K'lynn gets off her computer and sits up on her bed.

"I know I can't choose who you want to be friends with, but please anyone but her."

"First of all, who said I wanted to be friends with her? Second of all, why would I want to be friends with her? She tried to manipulate me into thinking that the way I feel about girls was all in my head."

"OK good."

"But that doesn't mean I want to start drama with her. So please just leave her alone. You don't know what she's capable of."

"She doesn't know what I'm capable of, so if she's not gonna watch out, there's gonna be a problem."

"Do what you have to do." Bianca says sarcastically.

Bianca tries to leave.

"Bianca?" K'lynn says to stop her from leaving.

"Call Candy. Tell her that we would love to go to her party."

"Why? I thought you didn't like her."

"I don't, but I might as well see what her deal is."


Bianca leaves the room.

The day of the party comes and Candy and Roosevelt are the first ones there. Five minutes go by and K'lynn and Bianca arrive.

"I didn't think you were gonna come." Roosevelt said.

"I called you guys." Bianca said.

"Oh sorry, I was talking about K'lynn."

"Well I'm here."

Sophia comes too with Kyle.

"Oh hey Soph, Hey Kyle." Candy said.

"What's up?" Kyle said.

"Hey Sophia, I didn't know you were coming." K'lynn said.

"Bianca invited me."

"More people should be here soon, get some drinks and enjoy yourselves." Candy said.

As everyone goes. K'lynn stops Candy.

"Harper's not here?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Don't play dumb with me bitch. After today, if I see you or Roosevelt talking to Bianca again, I'll kill both of you." K'lynn says sternly leaving Candy speechless.

Time goes by and the party is full. Kyle is playing volleyball with Corey and Bianca and the other girls lay by the waves.

"So did you see him? Is he here?" Mya said.

"No, he's taking care of his mom." Stacy said.

"What's up with his mom?" Bianca said.


"Oh that's sad." K'lynn said.

"I'm gonna go get another drink, do you guys want anything?" Sophia said.

All the girls say no and Sophia leaves.

"Speaking of new baes? Bianca?" Mya says in a tantalizing voice.

"No, haven't found anyone."

"Don't worry sis, you'll find someone. Someone that treats you better than Harper did."

"Can we not talk about her please?" Mya said.

"Thank you. I don't wanna talk about the bitch that seduced and abused our little fruit loop." Stacy said.

Bianca laughs.

"Abused? She never hit her. She never hit you right?!" K'lynn said.


"She didn't physically abuse her, but she mentally abused her."

"OK whatever, but for real let's not talk about her." K'lynn said.

Sophia comes back with her drink and they all lay back and admire the waves. As they're admire the waves, Bianca sees a mermaid jumping out the ocean. The mermaid flashes her eyes at her.

"Did you guys see that?"

"See what?" Sophia said.

"I just saw something jump out of the water."

"I didn't see anything." Mya said.

"It looked like a mermaid."

"A mermaid? Sis you've been watching too much mermaid Melissa. I think I have to convince mom to take your laptop away."

"Mermaid Melissa swims underwater, she doesn't splash out of it." Stacy said.

"You watch her too?" Bianca said.

"Yeah sometimes."

"She said it looked like a mermaid, she didn't say it was a mermaid. So give her a break K'lynn." Sophia said.

"Whatever. Can we leave? This party's getting boring."

The girls get up and leave. Bianca gets up and looks back at the ocean.

"B, let's go!" Mya said.

Bianca gets in the car.

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