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Sophia, Kalina, and Harper get called into the principal's office. The principal plays the video of the fight .

"Do any of you want to explain what was going on here?" The principal said.

"It's simple. I was in the restroom minding my own business, then the wetback over here came, started accusing me of all this crazy stuff, then started assaulting me." Harper said.

"Miss Sanax that was an inappropriate comment. Miss Rodriguez, is there a reason why you felt the need to assault her?"

"What do you mean is there a reason? She's the one stalking my friends. And not to mention she took advantage of one of them."

"That is such a lie!"

"Bitch you're a lie!" Kalina said.

"Miss Watercolor, language."

"Why is she even here? She didn't do anything wrong?" Sophia said.

"She was still involved in the fight. Now Miss Watercolor, tell me your side of the story."

"I was going to the restroom and as soon as I walked in, these two were fighting, so I broke it up."

"I understand that you we're trying to be the hero, but you had no business doing what you did. You just moved here and you're already starting conflict."

"I'm starting conflict? This conflict started before I moved here, and it's still continuing all because Elena Lincoln doesn't know when to leave people alone!"

"Exuse me?" Harper said.

"You're excused."

"OK enough! Miss Watercolor, I see your point. I apologize for my assumption. You're free to go."

"Thank you."

Kalina leaves the office.

"So she can leave, but I can't?" Harper said.

The principal gives Harper a stern look.

"Miss Rodriguez, you're suspended for 3 days."

Harper smirks.

"However you Miss Sanax, you have after school detention."

"What?! Why? She assaulted me."

"Wetback? That sounds like a racial slur to me."

Harper rolls her eyes.

"Miss Sanax, go to Ms. Zimmers room. Miss Rodriguez, go home."

They both leave the principal's office.

Bianca is swimming in the pool by herself. She grabs her phone, puts a timer on it, and holds her breath under water. Kalina shows up.

"You can die like that you know." Kalina said.

Bianca gets out of the water.

"How long was that?"

"30 seconds."

Kalina gets a towel and wraps it around Bianca. They stare into each others eyes.

"Me and my sister are gonna go get tacos. Do you wanna come?" Kalina said.

"Sure, just let me go get dressed."

Bianca goes to the locker room to get dressed. Kalina looks back at her and smiles. She then goes to the school pick-up area and waits for her sister. Bianca finishes getting dressed just as her sister arrives. Bianca and Chloe introduce themselves as they get in the car. Harper's detention is over and she sees them driving away. The girls get their tacos and Kalina tells Bianca about the fight.

"She kicked her ass?" Bianca said.

"Yeah, and Harper didn't even defend herself. She just laid there bleeding."

"Who's Harper?" Chloe said.

"This crazy bitch I use to talk to."

"How was she crazy?"

"That's a long story."

"Oh OK. So she got her ass beat today?"

"Yeah. I witnessed it."

"It's your second day at Rosewater and your getting involved in fights?"

"I ended it though."

They all laugh.

"She got suspended though, I feel kinda bad." Kalina said.

"Don't feel bad. She use to get suspended all the time. Sometimes we make fun of her for it." Bianca said.

The girls get their meals to go. Chloe drives to Bianca's house. Kalina gets out of the car with Bianca.

"Be back by 8!" Chloe said.

"I will."

They both go inside and see Annika on her laptop.

"Hey sweetheart." Annika says as she turns around.

"Hey mom."

"Is this Kalina?"


"Oh nice to meet you. Bianca told me a little bit about you. Annika says as she gets up and shakes Kalina's hand.

"Nice to meet you too Ms. Richards."

"Please, call me Annika. Stay as long as you want."

"Oh I won't stay that long. I have an event I have to go to later."

"Oh OK."

Bianca and Kalina go upstairs and Kalina is looking at Bianca's room decorations.

"So you're a mermaid lover?"

"Yeah. I watch mermaid Melissa pretty often."

Kalina laughs.

"I sometimes think that mermaids are misunderstood these days." Kalina said.

"Why do you say that?"

"Do you watch YouTube? People are making these videos saying they saw a mermaid on the beach, when really it's some blondie in a fish tail. And I'm not the type of person that believes everything."


"I hate the fact that they're called sirens. What people need to think about is that they're actually mermaids that don't intend on hurting people compared to the ones that do. The whole story started off with a woman. This woman was thrown into a lake, and she couldn't get out. Not only because she didn't want to, also because she became a mermaid. This woman wasn't bad. She didn't do anything wrong. So what gives these mytholigists the right to call them sirens?"

"Wow. How do you know all this?"

"I grew up loving mermaids too."


Bianca and Kalina stare at each other for s few minutes.

"You impress me, and I hate pretty much everyone." Bianca said.

They both laugh.

A few hours go by and Kalina is getting ready to leave.

"Oh I wanted to give this to you." Kalina says as she gives Bianca a necklace with pink pearls on it.

"Wow. It's beautiful. Thanks."


Kalina leaves.

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