Secrets you keep

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"What do you mean she's your mother? How did she get here?" Bianca said.

"The same way I did. Oh my god, she probably knows that I'm alive."

"How would she find out?"

"I don't know." Kalina says sitting down.

Bianca sits down with her.

"Kalina, calm down. Everything is gonna be okay."

"I was right. Harper's not suicidal. She played you."

"Jesus Christ. I feel so stupid. Harper knows everything about everyone and she could be using Kahlua to get to you."

"My life is over. I have to get away from here."

"No you don't."

"So you want me to stay here, have her find me so she can take me back to Atlantis and marry some guy that I don't know?!"

"That's not gonna happen. You are not gonna let that fraud stop you from exploring the freedom you've always wanted. After Harper, I promised myself that I would find a real girlfriend and keep her, and that girl is you. We'll figure this out, but please don't run away."

Kalina's arms run into Bianca.

"Was Harper there?"

"No, she wasn't."

The next day at school, Roosevelt is decorating the halls with posters for Formal Queen and King. Annika comes up to her.


"Excuse me?"

"It is Roosevelt right? I'm Bianca's mother."

"Oh well nice to meet you. What do you need?"

"Harper Sanax, do you know her?"

"Yeah I do, and I never want to hear that name again so excuse me." Roosevelt says trying to walk away.

"Wait, I noticed that she kind of disappeared and I just want to be sure that she's gone for good that way she doesn't hurt my daughter again. Do have any idea where she could be?"

"Sorry Ms. Richards, but I don't know, and I don't care."

"Wait, did Harper take advantage of you too?"

"What no. That bitch is crazy and an attention whore, that's all you need to know."

"Why is she an attention whore?"

"She tried to kill herself with the whole school watching and right before that she tried to kill me and threatened to kick me off the cheerleading team. Besides after what she did to Bianca why do you care about her?"

"I just wanna make sure that I don't have to worry about her. Wait, what do you mean she tried to kill you?"

Roosevelt starts to tear up.

"Was it at Bianca's party?"

Roosevelt nods her head.

"Sweetheart." Annika says hugging Roosevelt.

"You can't let her get away with that. She has to pay."

"I'm sorry, but I told you I haven't seen her."

Roosevelt walks away.

"Annika?" Kalina said.

"Oh hi Kalina. Can you give this to Bianca?"

"Ok sure. What were you talking to Roosevelt about?"

"She said that Harper tried to commit suicide. Is that true?"


"She also said that she did it for attention."

"Yes, Bianca's attention specifically. It worked. Bianca saved her, which was a mistake. You can ask her yourself, she'll say the same."

Annika leaves the building just as Harper walks in with Kahlua. Kalina sees them and walks to class. Harper sees Kalina walking away. She gets her stuff and follows her. Kalina comes into class to put her stuff down and walks to the bathroom. Bianca follows her.

"Kali, what's wrong?"

"She's here."

"What? Kahlua?"

"Yes she's here. She came with Harper."

"Hey calm down. Maybe she's just dropping her off."

Harper walks in.

"Did you guys know that Belinda Crawford is chaperoning at the school formal? Bianca, you're familar with her right?"

"I see that you're feeling better." Bianca said.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Why are you here?"

"Good to see you too Kalina."

"What do you want?" Kalina says raising her voice.

"I just wanted to speak to you privately."

"Why privately? Whatever you can say her you can say to me."

"I know we had some issues over Bianca, but I just wanted to let you know that all I care about is that she's happy, and if you make her happy then it is what it is."

"You expect me to believe that? You almost destroyed my reputation by taking pictures of me as a mermaid."

"I wanted those pictures to-"

"To what? Hang them up on your submissive VIP wall of fame?" Bianca says as Kalina laughs.

"How did you and Belinda meet?" Bianca said.

"Belinda likes to keep pretty much everything private, so unfortunately I can't tell you."

"Of course you can't. Belinda has secrets and you know pretty much all of them. Like her name." Kalina said.

"What about her name?"

"Just saying."

"Bianca, she did plan your party right?"

"Yeah, a party that costs my mom a lot of money, which caused her to work night shifts, or are you not behind that?"

"And after doing some research, Belinda is supposed to be in jail." Kalina says showing her phone.

"Where did you get that from? Gossip Girl?"

"You never gonna realize that sometimes you're not gonna get your way aren't you? You faked a suicide attempt are you crazy?"

"You know, when you said that what you two have is nothing, something told me that you were telling the truth. Now I know for a fact that there's hope for us after all." Harper says stroking her arm.

Bianca and Kalina walk out of the bathroom. Kalina shoves Harper on her way out.

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