Open secret

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Harper is taking a walk on the beach. While she's walking, she sees Kalina in the water in her mermaid form with another girl. Harper takes a picture of them and leaves. Another day goes by and Bianca is at home asleep. She wakes up, brushes her teeth, and goes downstairs to see her mom cooking breakfast.

"Good morning Bianca."

"Good morning mom, where's K'lynn?"

"She spent the night at Mya's house."

"Well you made a little too much food since it's just the two of us."

The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it."

Bianca goes to open the door.


"Hey. Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah, sort of."

"I invited Kalina to join us. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh no, I don't mind at all. Come on in Kalina."

Kalina walks in and they sit down and eat.

"So when did you move here?"

"Last week. I moved here with my sister."

"Interesting. How old is your sister?"

"Almost 23."

"That's nice. What about your parents?"

Kalina sits quietly.

"Um, they're back in Hawaii. Her sister Chloe graduated from college and Kalina wanted to go with her." Bianca said.

Kalina smiles.

"Oh OK."

Bianca and Kalina smile at each other.

"I should get ready to go to school." Bianca said.

"Why it's Saturday?" Annika said.

"I have a swimming competition to prepare for."

"Oh, I forgot about that."

"Can I come with you? My sister has errands to run."

"Of course. Just let me get ready."

Bianca goes upstairs.

"Coffee?" Annika said.

Bianca and Kalina get inside the car.

"Have a good day girls!" Annika screamed as they drive away.

The girls get to school and enter the building. They go to the locker room and Bianca is changing into her swimsuit.

"How long have you been swimming?"

"A couple of years. I don't really keep track."

"Awesome. So are you gonna go to that swim trip to Hawaii?"

"I don't know."

"You should. Hawaii is beautiful."

"Easy for you to say."

They both laugh.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom." Kalina said.

"Oh OK." Bianca said.

Kalina goes to the restroom. Bianca smiles and goes outside to the pool. While Kalina is walking to the restroom, she bumps into Roosevelt.

"Umm Hi." Kalina says in a confusing tone.

"Hey. No need to introduce yourself. I know Harper."

"Oh, OK well excuse me." Kalina says as she tries to enter the restroom, but Roosevelt stops her.

"I know Harper has this master plan to keep me away from Bianca, but if she wants another fight she doesn't need to send her twitter bird to do it for her."

"Listen, I'm not the enemy. I just here for protection."

"Protection my ass. I have to go."

"Wait. I know your secret."

"What secret?" Kalina says in a shaky voice.

Roosevelt shows Kalina a picture.

"What the hell?"

"This was tooken last night."

"The bitch spied on me?"

"Like I said before, I'm not the enemy."

"You are if you have that picture."

"Hear me out. I'm sick and tired of Harper pushing me around to spy on you and Bianca. So I have a plan to keep her off your case and mine. Isn't that what you want? Besides, she still thinks that I'm on her side, so my plan will be perfect."

"Harper is not only on my case, she's on Bianca and the other girls."

"I can take care of that too."

"You have no idea what I'm capable of. Until that picture is gone, no one is playing you or anyone who's stalking me or Bianca and you better fucking remember that." Kalina says as she walks away.

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