The girl next door

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It's morning and Bianca and K'lynn get ready for school. Bianca is in her room getting her hair done. K'lynn walks in her room.

"Good morning ." K'lynn says in a surprised voice.

"Good morning sis." Bianca says with a big smile on her face.

"Since when do you wear a dress?"

"Since forever."

"OK seriously what's going on with you? Look at you, you got the curls in your hair, a colorful dress on, you're tripping into girls."

Annika walks in the room.

"Good morning girls."

"Good morning mom." Bianca and K'lynn said.

Annika notices Bianca's outfit.

"Oh you look nice today sweetheart. What's the occasion?"

"The world may never know." K'lynn said.

"Why is it such a big deal? I can't wear a dress?"

"We're just wondering, anyways you guys should be heading out or you're gonna be late."

"OK love you mom." K'lynn says kissing her mom on the cheek.

"Love you" Bianca says giving her mom a hug.

"Love you too be good." Annika says as they go downstairs.

Bianca and K'lynn go outside. As Bianca is putting her stuff in the car, she sees Kalina and another woman getting her ready.

"Bianca, who are you staring at?" K'lynn said.

K'lynn looks in Bianca's direction.

"Is that Kalina?"

"Yeah." Bianca says smiling.

The woman gets in the car. Just as Kalina gets in the car, she sees Bianca smiling at her and she smiles back.

"OK sis, come on."

Bianca gets in the car and K'lynn drives away. Kalina gets in her car as well.

"So where's the school?" Chloe said.

"Just follow that car." Kalina said.

K'lynn and Bianca get to school and go to class. Bianca goes to her seat and Kyle walks up to her.


"Oh hey Kyle."

"You look different, in a good way I mean."

"Thank you."

Kalina walks in the classroom and everyone including Harper stares at her.

"We have a new student?" Kyle said

"Yeah, we do." Bianca says smiling at her.

Kalina takes her seat and sees Bianca smiling at her. Kyle snaps her fingers at her.


"Do you know her?"


Harper looks at Bianca then squints her eyes at Kalina. The bell rings and Mr. Steele walks in the classroom.

"Good morning class. Thank you for coming in and taking your seats. As you can see we have a new student with us today. Your name is Kalina Watercolor?"

"Yes sir."

"OK welcome to Rosewater. Can anyone help Miss Watercolor around the school during the day? That would be nice."

Harper continues to stare at Kalina and she gives her a confused look back at Harper.

"OK class, did anyone do the homework? If you did, leave it out on your desk."

Everyone takes their homework assignment out accept for Harper.

"Miss Sanax, did you not do the homework?"

"I checked the portal, I didn't see it."

"Look around the room, everyone else saw it. Miss Watercolor you're excused of course."

"Mr. Steele I-"

"Miss Sanax I'm gonna have to call your parents."

Bianca and K'lynn smirk at each other. Mr. Steele comes around to collect the papers. After he's done collecting them, Mr. Steele looks over them and sees Bianca's paper.

"Bianca, I see you're very interested in sirens."

"Yeah well kind of."

"Thank you for writing about a different siren too. Mermaids are very popular."

Harper gives Bianca a slight smile and Kalina stares at them both.

Lunch comes and Bianca sits down with the other girls.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Mya said.

"I don't know, I just felt like dressing up." Bianca said.

"Are you sure you didn't dress up for Kalina?" K'lynn said.

"Who's Kalina?" Stacy said.

"The new girl that Bianca is obviously interested in."

K'lynn sees Kalina walking.

"Oh there she is." K'lynn said.

"The girl with the white and blue hair?" Mya said.

"That's her." Bianca says blushing.

"Hey Kalina, come sit with us!" Mya screamed.

"What are you doing?" Bianca said.

"Helping you out."

Kalina notices them.

"Come on Kalina we don't bite!"

Kalina sits down with them.

"Bianca told us about you. How did you guys meet?" Stacy said.

"She was fresh out of swim practice and was rushing to get home."

"I bumped into her and she catched me."

"Oh so you're a life saver?" K'lynn said.

They all laugh.

"So where are you from?" Stacy said.


"Oh nice. Bianca is actually going there this summer." Mya said.


"Yeah, it's a swim team trip."

(Through speaker) Attention ladies and gentleman. All the swim team members need to gather in the gym for a meeting. Thank you.

"Looks like you have to go." Kalina said.

"OK bye girls. Bye Kalina."

All the girls say bye.

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